๐ŸŒฌ The Weather Thread part 2

The Galway crowd will never learn.

I now know why our bidnessmen go direct to Ldn City

Weather has turned bad here in the last half hour. I was going to head out to the race course but with the chaos out there leading to no imminent counts I am going to settle in with a mug of tea, the tv remote and a laptop.

BTW I have been following the count result details on the rte pages, is there a better source?
Times, indo & examiner have been tried and rejected


Flight gone back to 9.20 (est)

Rooting for ya

Iโ€™m gonna have to get @Batigol to call in a few favours

All flights that are hijacked/have terrorists on board get diverted to Stanstead. I hope that helps

I can tell them all about Oireland, where terrorists are now in charge


Iโ€™m trying to figure out how many pints I can have so I can hold onto the table without being incapable of driving when I land :thinking:

Are you planning on holding onto the table until tomorrow?

They get me off the ground and I wonโ€™t have to


Happened to me once before. Into Heathrow.

All conversation on board stops and it gets very quiet apart from the whoosh of the engines.

I had it before coming into Dublin after a stag in Birmingham. Rosary beads, crying and puking were the order of the day, good times

Donโ€™t come back ye tan cunt

No different from the flight out so. Birmingham for fuck sake


The language of conflict again, and this the first day of a brave new world :roll_eyes:


A brave new world indeed without such people (as yourself) inโ€™t.

Tiocfaidh ar lรก

This must be the most prolonged storm in a lo g time. Lightning flashes again there