🌬 The Weather Thread part 2

It wasn’t a storm for fuck sake. It was a reasonably bad day or two of weather

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That fucking Tans voice would go through you.

Unrale snow fall in limerick city right now. Not sticking yet but if it keeps going at this rate it’s only a matter of time

Pegging snow in the midlands.

Not cold enough lads, is it sleet you guys are seeing?

Fucking Sinn Fein

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Proper proper snow.

Just popping into the count centre here. Tis snow, sleety enough but tis snow.

I’m on high crowd here in Central Tipperary and it’s rain I’m afraid.

Lovely and mild in Cork - we’ll avoid all this shite thankfully.

All the hot air.

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It’s on the ground in Limerick city, I repeat on the ground and it’s still lashing down. Bollox anyway if it was two hours earlier I’d still be at home on the couch watching the elections

Aye begor. I wonder will it stick?


Stock photo surely?

Ah that’s stock I’d say

Although maybe not.

I just got sent this from Limerick


Its too late to save Limerick, its already gone. Save yourself.

Ok lads, it’s actually pelting it down now in Central Tipperary. Alert alert…

When should I send the staff home?

I left two minutes ago. Kids looked happy enough staying put in the crèche.