The Weather Thread

I remember going on a business trip to Tucson in January. I’m sweltering and the guys in office are offering me jackets. In the pool in the hotel every evening after work. Am.sure the locals thought I was mad.

Went back again on another trip in may/June time fuck me it was hot. Use to leave the building a couple of times a day to get a bit of heat and then back into the air conditioning.

After three weeks, the aircon, set at eighty, felt on the cool side of comfortable.

Is that ‘your wan’ from this morning’s story, I’m assuming the stalker guard is in the red car?

Ah, I see what you did there.

Just back from Body and Soul there. It’s like the Somme down there. Pulling cars out of fields with tractors.

Lads did ye not have a summer there for a week back in May? Some people are never happy.

The Summer hasn’t hit yet. Be grand.

There’s great growth there


This evening’s weather was the most disappointing thing to occur in Galway since the Connacht final.

What a day in Limerick. Warmest day since 2013 I’d say. Temps fell off a cliff around 6pm though. Yesterday was also exceptional.

Thunder in the air.

Rain tomorrow. Hope yee enjoyed the summer lads.

Indeed. I’m off work for the week . Laying kerbs around my lawns . 90m worth laid today.


90 bar??

Got a little rain here the last hour but tomorrow is expected to be a good day . About 20c and dry.

Perfect conditions :clap:

You poor cunt, hope you had decent help. Some dose in today’s heat.