The Weather Thread

God be with the days when Arrigle typing a 34 page post wasn’t considered unusual.

Tell us about the olden times Fagan.

Like 2004?

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I had some dealings with PM after and he was sound.

The locky Byrne debate would put kev and nembo in the third division… Great days…

He was as sound as a pound.

@KinvarasPassion @anon7035031

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Good article, needed to be said to offset the social media bullshit. As the man said if half the population are below average intelligence, that’s an awful lot of stupid fuckers walking around. Ireland has a water problem and it ain’t been asked to pay for drinking qualify water.

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That lad is some whinger.

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It’s as good a start as any. Any memorable post that springs to mind, please post a link in the Fantastic Old Posts thread.

Good article - thanks for the link. The old farming and local authority practices of keeping road and land drains clear and clean is fast becoming a thing of the past. What we’re seeing in South Galway is this same idea but on a macro level - years of neglect by the key stakeholders, except for intermittent and ad hoc band-aid solutions.

Post reported.

Shaping up to be a bust. A few cold days with frost at night.

The lads on boards who wish for snow will be gutted. You can tell none of them are international businessmen trevelling by aircraft on international business.

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Although rainfall has been excessive since before Christmas, has the new Motorway been a big cause of problems too?

Carnage on the roads through Wicklow this morning. Like trying to drive across an ice rink in places. Already been a 5 or 6 car crash and at least one overturned car on another part of the N11.

Stay safe mate

33 here today

Thanks mate. My knowledge of the ‘backroads’ of the areas affected proved crucial.

Are you staying out there for much longer?

1 more week

Enjoy it and make the most of it. Ridiculous amount of cold weather on the way here.

The brisbane lion is seething we have to go back

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