The Weather Thread

I wouldn’t blame her - other than the fact that Australia will be in the shit for a few years while Ireland continues to improve you could be as well moving back out there for a while.

Tempting alright.when the dollar and house prices drop i might

Thanks for the advice btw

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The South Galway lads will have some craic on the Ice Rinks this morning.

Co Councils were generous with salt today thank god.

Ah Bollocks…Grrrrr.

The flood victims according to a vox pop on newstalk this morning are “our first refugees of global warming”


I am rolling that out today.

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Looks like the UK are to get a serious cold snap next week, temperatures in the minus double figures.
Nothing nearly as severe forecast for here. I wouldn’t mind a few days of -10.

I’ll take that

25 degrees when I went for a run this and yesterday morning at 5.30am. It will be hitting 40 here today (45 out wesht). Fucking humid with it. @Chucks_Nwoko you OK mate?

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I’m actually dosed up to the gills with a headcold. I’d say it’s been the alternating between the saharan heat and the baltic AC in the office/buses etc. The mind boggles.

I also seen a lot of dopey cunts smirking at me this morning as I strolled through the city with my brolly over my shoulder*. We’ll see how fucking funny it is when it starts to piss rain at ten to 5, pal.

*Kinda like this;

Ah the old umbrella disguised an an AK47 trick, never fails.
The air con is shot in our office and apparently the air conditioning repair industry is on leave until after Straya Day, so not fun in here.
It is going to fucking piss down at 5pm. I have 5 a side tonight, I hope to fuck the change hits Tuggerah by 8.30pm.

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Fucking Straya day no less… Jesus.

Choco :heart: 'Straya Day

What goes on during Straya day, pal?

Funny (not really though) you should ask; I have my citizenship ceremony in the morning.

Then I’m gonna head down to Cronulla and batter a few lebs.

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We all get a day off work to be racists for the day. You’d love it mate.

Funnily enough, I’m actually posting my application form today. I can’t wait to vote for a republic. Up the RA.

Good stuff and congrats… I take it you are there for life so, pal? Not my cuppa but I wish you well and hope you enjoy the ceremony.


Do you not do it all on the line? I wouldn’t even trust the posties (postpeople) here.

Are ye not racists every other day of the week also?

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