The Weather Thread

I’ll get the citizenship anyway. The missus is keen on the states and I’m keen on the gridiron, so there’s potential there down the line.

Have set a deadline of the weekend to get mine in also. How long were you waiting for the ceremony @Chucks_Nwoko.
Is that roaster behaviour, citizen ceremony on Straya day. Make sure you put that photo on the book. Guaranteed 100+ likes

Ah lovely… I’ll meet you in downtown Chicago for a beer when you are setup

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Start to finish took about 5 months.

I’m done with the 'book. I’ve heard your life changes in ways you never though possible once you delete your account.

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It seemed like a lot of double handling to do it online.

Most people are, but not me or @Loko_Cove

5 months? FFS. Things must have slowed down from when I applied for residency, that whole thing took 2 months start to fin.

How long ago was that?

Yeah the application to sitting the test only takes a month odd. It’s waiting for a ceremony date prolongs it. Although I did have to cancel the initial date I got as it clashed with the TFKNFLFF playoffs.

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It was 2001. Are there not ceremonies on all the time, given the unprecedented number of people migrating here to live the dream?

That’s the problem. As the Australian lifestyle is commonly thought of as the dream life, these unprecedented numbers applying for citizenship are clogging up the system. Hence, there’s a backlog from approval>>>ceremony. Tis’ the Asians mostly.

We’ve mugged them off, good and proper so.

Mother of jessus, it’s like being in a fucking oven out there.

Here comes the storm

Do we get to name storms or is that an Irish thing?

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I think I’ll call this storm Nigel.
He’s a weird looking one, oul Nigel.

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We should start with “A”.

Fuck me, but Aengus could have us stuck in the office all night.

OK. I have a feeling Aengus’s bark is worse than his bite though, he’s only a little’un compared to what we have seen before.

Turns out ould Aengus was a bit of a bollocks after all. Fence down at our place again, braches all over the place, scene of devastation in the 'burb.

Is there a police boat in the water?

I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to go out on the water in that weather.