The Weather Thread


A lovely winters morning. Bit slippy on the roads though.

It’s grand out west, yet you have stupid cunts listening to the radio who hear “the roads are bad” and proceed to drive at 50 the whole into the city. First bit of frost I saw I was on the Dock Road. :rage:

Tip down the merge lane, sure there’s no-one using it at that hour anyway.

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It was the 20 miles stuck doing 50 before the dock road that was the issue

How are the lads over on reacting to the cold snap, pal?

Glorious, truly glorious day here in the capital. Fresh, crisp, bright day. Oh, what a time to be alive.

Quite icy on the walk to work this morning in the capital. I nearly had a severe gravity event on Grand Canal Street - not dissimilar to that unfortunate who famously appeared on RTE news several years back. Luckily my superior balance and quick reactions saved me. I presume no salting of the pavements ever takes place.

Keep your hands out of your pockets and you’ll be fine…

I was wearing what I call my IRA coffin gloves - black and leather - so my hands were free from my pockets, both to assist in balance and also to save me in case I had a gravity event.

+1. I availed of the Dublin Bikes scheme to cycle to work this morning as I was very late having waited to watch the Ireland AM piece with 2 of the Cork ladies whose photos were taken from Facebook and used on a pornographic website. It’s a lovely morning here and road conditions weren’t too bad at all.


I had a near miss in front of an attractive young lady yesterday…

I think you need to elaborate.

I’m working from home today, bro. As I was yesterday whereupon I noticed something that I meant to update our GCD thread with. I will do so now.

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I was walking in a northerly direction and she was walking in a westerly direction both set on perfect path to intercept one another…she was of Eastern European extraction and as I was casually letting her know I approved of her good looks I hit a patch of ice and nearly hit the deck but for some fast reactions as outlined by your good self above… As she passed there was a hint of a smile that suggested inwardly she was laughing… but she gazed straight ahead tho and we both went about our day as if the other never existed.

I caught this pal though the volume was down low…

Cagney looked fairly irate… What was the jist of it?

Your wan in the right has had the lips done anyway I’d say.


I just wanted to see if they were any use but they were fake tan caked, orange faced skanks with piercings and tattoos. I lost interest then but they were basically outlining how they discovered Facebook pictures had been put up on a porn site and how upset they were.

How did they find them?

One of them got a message from some third party on Facebook saying: “Hey, did you see you’re on this porno site?”