The Weather Thread

I always wonder how these things are found and why* the “third party” was on said site.

*we obviously know why, but it would have been an interesting conversation. Hey I was looking for young girls to masturbate to and hey, there you were. So I finished the job and said I’d watsapp you.

The Filipino platform sweeper at Castleknock station hit the deck in spectacular fashion this morning despite wearing heavy work boots. I suspect he’s never endured the same underfoot conditions in Manila.

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You wouldn’t hear much about Manila Ice


:pint:Delighted to give that number 10.

2nd one today :ronnyroar: everything’s coming up Millhouse

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Fine dry but crisp and frosty morning in co meath. Waiting for my fone to charge and heading out for a 2 hour walk with the dogs down the beach and dunes, few pucs and a listen to down to business

How are things shaping up in the mid Atlantic battleground today lads?


We are looking at a god awful day tomorrow. Iver an inch of rain due.

A treacherous storm has struck the capital. Very, very windy and accompanied by terribly heavy rain. Hazardous conditions for anyone having a light early morning work-out on their return to fitness after sustaining an upper grade one / lower grade two calf strain.


Should I opt for the indoor treadmill this morning Bandage?

No, get out there mate. Having worked as a winter relief postman during my college years, it taught me to embrace and enjoy challenging weather conditions.


Very stormy in the lower harbour area of Cork. Please be careful out there! Arrive alive!!

That’s unreal.

Chucks, what are we naming this one? Billy? He looks like a cunt.

Yet again, I got the scoffs from people walking in with my umbrella this morning. I haven’t seen any wheelie bins knocked over, so i’m a bit reluctant to name her*.

*Has to be a her? Consecutive letters but alternating sexes I thought?

Oh right, yeah.
I name thee Belinda so. Onwards storm Belinda.

She better be fucked off before I try to land back in Sydney

How’s the weather in Darwin?

It’s grand now, sun’s out.

An Aussie doesn’t need a day off for that.