The Weather Thread

I’ve got squash tonight Fitzy.

Been cancelled yet? Do you know what I have? Tar all over the sole of one of my feet after stepping into a road with no footwear (long story). It will take fucking weeks to wash it off.
Brought the dog to north Shelley beach as its dig lead free. Was lively there, 27 degrees, water beautiful. Drive home and watched as the thermometer rose and rose back to 42. I’m basically melting now.

Breezy here in Dublins North Inner City. About 8 degrees. Lovely winter morning.

I’m bolloxed after that cycle in. Wind is mental up the canal.

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You cycle?

I love it, bro. Cycle to work everyday (Dublin bike) and 20km in the gym 3 times a week.


minus 14 here. getting warmer

I understand it’s rough there alright

great stuff

im becoming a bit of a zealot about people cycling to work, its such a great way to start the day

despite or maybe because of the blustery conditions I feel fantastic today

I usually go to the gym in the morning, bro so that followed by the cycle into work usually has me hopping off the walls in work in the morning. No gym this morning but that almost felt like a proper workout cycling up the canal against that wind! As I’m sure you can imagine!

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@Horsebox, @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy - do your respective workplaces have good shower and changing facilities? Does the logistics of having to bring in shirts, suits, take dirty ones home to be washed, having Bob from accounts stealing your hangers in the changing room etc ever cause you issues?

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Are you Bob from accounts the hanger stealer by any chance?

We have decent showering facilities mate but Im also a member of Trinners gym so recently Ive been having a swim & steam before coming in.

I don’t wear a suit to work bro and generally just wear jeans and and a tshirt which is easily manageable in terms of bringing stuff home and in

Our place has the facilities although I don’t know if they could be described as good. I’ve never used them anyway. Showering is for pussies.

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You go straight from the saddle to the desk?

It’s a 10 minute cycle, bro. I do be fresh as a daisy after it.

Usually, pal. It is not always a near hurricane blowing down the canal as it was this morning.


Animal, I pity the poor cunts who have to share an overcrowded open plan office with you


@Horsebox. 2017’s @Nembo_Kid