The Weather Thread

that sounds awful
i lived in Phoenix for 4 months in 2005 and in July it got to 122F or +40C
it was just awful really
a truly horrible depressing place BTW, ive been to many p[aces but Az was simply one of the most lonely, boring experiences of my life


It is 32 degrees now, I’m in bed with the sweat rolling off me, long night of no sleep ahead

Do you not have A/C?

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A nasty loaded dig at an unemployed failed paper salesman fagan. No need for it.
If you couldn’t afford to turn on the oil I’m sure fitzy wouldn’t slag you off about it

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How hot does it have to get for Australia to burn away?

Some say its the best state in the union Mickee. We were up in Page at Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe bend, Grand Canyon etc and thought it was unreal. Stunning scenery amd nice people. Especially the Navajos. Found Flagstaff and Tucson quite interesting as well. Granted we didn’t go to phoenix but by and large I have fond memories of Arizona. We were there at end March though so we did not have to deal with those oppressive temperatures. What was everyday life like there?

Under 14s cricket has been canceled, I repeat UNDER 14S CRICKET HAS BEEN CANCELED TOMORROW!

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Beautiful day in the jewel of the Midwest. Sun bating down. Spring has arrived.

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Siobhan Ryan looking stunning here. I think a warm front passed over me there.

That was one wild night

Still going here ‘below’ in Cark.

Unrale conditions here in the PRC

The wind would blow your head off here in the capital.

''Twas bad lads, I was awake for about an hour around half three with the noise of it. The windows were under pressure at one stage.

Be safe out there guys


Out in the car there. Every green bin in North Dublin is on its side. The peninsula is a cornucopia of tin cans pizza boxes and newspapers.

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Nothing untoward about any of that.


Wind triggered the house alarm three times last night, wind was loud anyway but the house alarm is deafening. Not a budge out of the 1 year old. Mrs went in to see was he ok, floor creaked and he woke and started roaring.


id imagine your neighbours think you are an absolute spastic


Get in there, you old dog.

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