The Weather Thread

Wiped a fly off my knee the other day. Little fucker had drawn blood. Knee swollen like a golf ball. Exact same effect whenever i get mosquito bites abroad. Whatever cunt of a thing it was.

i just had a bout of knee bursitis
unreal pain

We have Mosquitos in Ireland

How small was it before it got swollen?


They’ll be on in late July/ August

Horse fly. Had to kill a couple myself today.

It was a clag id say.


Should have bogged the grape into it… You and your odd dialect. :joy::rofl:

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A few of the cunts nailed me at the weekend during cattle testing. They only get itchy a day or two after.

You need to tune into their hum and slowish flight.


Those clabhars are the worst cunts of insects.
They cut you open with teeth rather than a sharp incision.

You are dead right on their slow flight. Let em land and quickly swat them as they won’t go away

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This is what you need lads, I wear them all the tine to protect my soft Irish skin in the global warming ravaged Australian heat.

Would you hang a few corks off it at all?

Eh no, that would be silly

by Corks he means the stops at the top of wine bottles as opposed to be people hailing from Cork. Like himself

This weather is playing fuck with my tolltag’s adhesion to the windscreen. Time for it to fuck off.

My tag seems to have stopped beeping when it gets read. Only started happening in the last week or two. Having checked there they are still charging me though. Thought I was playing barrier-chicken when hurtling through in a stream of cars the last few times.

The glass on my wing mirror, which I had super glued back on about a year ago with no issues, fell off from the heat yesterday.