The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Trying to do some video based stuff here, and the Mrs downstairs singing ‘Wheels on the Bus’ with the young one FFS sake!! Sun is shining. Think I’ll just fuck off to the beach for the afternoon.

Very fortunate to have started a new role on Monday. Was given monitors etc and told to stay home till 29th. That’s extended until 14th as of 10 minutes ago.

You’ve gone awful kind since you tried to destroy a lad’s life there a few weeks ago.

Do these devices have mute buttons?

:joy: did you actually believe I showed that woman the messages you simpleton. I must have you awfully wound up that you believe that.

TFK always remembers traitorous cunts. Childminding :smile:

The Lord Haw Haw of tfk.


You dumb bastard you got done up a kipper and started abusing me over it. You shouldn’t believe everything somebody tells you clown.

Done up a kipper…rattled…wound up… There all there!

If you could come up with a mute button for a toddler and a wife, you’d be a multi millionaire mate

Dogs barking

I had these dropped into me. Working from home isn’t so bad sometimes.


Some fine daisies there.

My daily routine since wfh stated on Wednesday.

9.00am start working
10:45 go to the park and do some exercise
11:30 log back in and check for anything urgent. Shower.
12 bit of work
12:30 lunch
1:30 do some work
3:30 30 minute walk
4 bit of work
5:30 log off
6 dinner and catch up on all things covid
7:30 45 minute walk
An oul glass of wine or a beer and watch a movie after then.

Absolutely grand so far but the thoughts of doing this for another 2 months would bring a tear to your eye. It’s times like this I’m glad I don’t have kids. As a great man once said, I don’t know how ye do it.


A new study conducted by researchers in Havard University have found daisies to be the single biggest carrier of Covid-19.

I should be fine you can’t get it twice

I’m here lying on the couch trying to think of work I can pretend to be doing for the rest of the day. I put down a solid morning to be fair to me and there’s fuck all to do in reality.
I might go for a jog now for myself. I’ll be hopping off the ground by the time this quarantine is over. Only problem is I’m ating like a horse as well.

its not as bad as you’d think tbh and factor that in with both parents trying to work
id go
0600-0830 - few coffees and work
0830 - 900 - breakfast
900 - 1100 - work and juggle the kids - eldest fella does homework and plods about- youunger one not so
11- half 12 ish - outside in the garden - herself works - cooks
1 to 2 - lunch - and im at emails
2 to4 - similar to 9 to 11
4 to 6 - break it up a bit - go to the shop- walk around
6 to 8 - dinner for kids and bath - ( again we;re in and out of work)
9 or so- 3 nights a week i go run 5/6k
9 30 - me and her have dinner
10 - 0100 - we’ll both work / study but at midnight or so we’ll have a drink and watch TV

to keep it in control - i have a very strict tasklist for work - kids are getting tetchy tho - older lad misses school a lot

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Pointless meeting now growing at a faster rate than Covid 19 cases. Mick with his dial-up connection and toddlers running rings around him with various sharp instruments can’t make any decisions without holding a conference any more.


Due in Monday but was told to make sure to bring my laptop home in the case we might have to shut. I’d say we’ll be open until such time as a staff member succumbs to it.