The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Can you work the forklift by remote from the laptop?

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You can land a bomb up an Arabs arse from an office in the Pentagon these days mate

The forklifts we have drive themselves.

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My wife definitely is

The weekends don’t even seem like weekends anymore.

Some lads are going to be driven demented by June.

Had worked 12 days in a row until today. Boss cancelled all scheduled calls for weekend to try to alleviate some of the fatigue. I have been busy enough but some colleagues been doing 15/18 hours daily…not sustainable…fellas visibly wilting


Who will commit the first e-homicide on here?

Someone you least suspect.

Anyone working from home now will be working from home for the rest of their careers. This is the new reality we are facing

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We got the go ahead today to buy a smart tv to connect to our laptops👍 I will be purchasing tomorrow.

Told today home til mid April at the earliest. I’ll be gone batshit crazy. I’d murder everyone of ye cunts for a pint now

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It’s going to be a dark day when @Batigol open his fridge and discovers he’s already drank his last can of Guinness.

just been told to WFH for the duration of the crisis. Ill have to take the laptop in the car every morning to make it look like im going into the office so i dont get stung for childminding

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You can’t even sit in Starbucks for 8 hours sipping a mocha with the laptop open pretending to be a novelist anymore.

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This is a disaster. Trying to get a bit done here and there. Literally spend the day doing things and hoping to squeeze in a bit of work here and there. No forgiveness from clients and employers either of course.

And then you have people complaining about being bored and jumping in the car to go to McDonalds. Jesus swept.


I don’t know how those with small kids manage the WFH lark, I have taken over our back room with a desk and can lock myself away all day without anyone bothering me. A few in my team with small kids are doing their best and doing as much as they can. Must be v stressful

I finally get to work in my underpants tomorrow.

I can echo those sentiments. Working day is very disjointed. Little one hasn’t slept in days and is as cranky as fuck then all day long. Literally under house arrest. With shopping being delivered there is literally no excuse for leaving the house anymore. From talking to HR today to sign off my 2019 performance appraisal I learned that hard decisions will be need to be taken, the severity of which will depend on how quickly production can be scaled up whenever this crisis finishes. So will be doing my best for the foreseeable to avoid any cull.


My other half is very, very busy (according to her) so I’ve been minding our child for the most part. I’ve developed a routine now, which involves moving between rooms to give him changes of scenery and to keep boredom at bay. I allow him a bit of you tube on the tv when I really need to get something done and his lunchtime nap is a god send. I’m usually very tired around this time because it’s essentially doing two full time jobs simultaneously. I don’t know how I do it in fairness.


I’m starting WFH tomorrow. Looking forward to it as I live by myself.