The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

+1 to that. When I started with the office in the house, it was fine, kids were in childminders house. things changed though and they were in the house 3 days of the week. fucking nightmare. Impossible to do anything between them shouting and roaring and anytime having to go to toilet or kitchen or whatever and being caught having to break up rows. need to be able to separate the work place from the home to be able to be any way at all productive.

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You poor bastard.

Think of the reduction in people driving. Would be brilliant

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I am WFH today, have been doing so for a year or so and have a reasonable set-up. Main problem is the eldest is also WFH and I wont let him in to my office.

Just caught up with payroll and VAT returns, fucksake.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’d say middle management will be shitting it these days with grunt being more efficient without the yes men interfering.


I’ll be available for babysitting in nine days lads. Free of charge of course.

No thanks.

What are they even quoting?

Presumably these are the types who take five sick days a year because they’re entitled to them.

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Mercer Investments or Pensions, or whatever they’re called, up there on Hatch Street area are skyping in for virtual tea breaks and they’re going for a virtual drink after work on Friday. :joy::ireland::beer:




Ah lads this is chaos. Board meeting this morning for one of my clients, kids crying, dogs barking, people dropping off.


As in asleep?

Who knows.

The world health organisation?

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Do you think we are stupid?
You just want to gather all the children,race them, and sell the live stream to Racing UK.


Bound to happen once they had this push for diversity on boards. If it was 6 70 year old retired male accountants it would have been calmness personified.


I’ll be going on 40% WFH from next week, with an expectation to ramp that up to 100% once cocooning starts

however with a bored 8 year old, its highly likely that the WFH output will be significantly lower than working in the office.

I’ve one issue I want to get sorted today and once that is done then I’ll have a solid two weeks of work put down and will go offline from 1.
I deserve it.


toilets flushing is another one