The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Paddy will write up the IN all day.

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The mouse pads are circling


I feel sorry for the lads who didn’t get a chance to make a stew, some brown bread, have a nap and meet all their KPIs today. I’m sure they spent a lot of time in meetings though.


All jobs can be done in india. There’s a reason companies have gone full circle on that and brought stuff back in house again.

You could train them to run a cold bath and a hot bath but ask them to run a tepid bath and fuck knows what you’d end up with.


Depends what you send there and how you control it. There’s a lot more to India than IT.

The Indian boys are bodies and allow for throughout at a cheap cost. The half decent ones are off to Europe/North America at the first opportunity they get.

The amount of these lads I deal with who are all system knowledge but no business knowledge is unreal. Lads co figuring systems for warehouses, manufacturing facilities, suppy chains etc despite never setting foot in a real facility. At some point it comes home to roost unless you have the business knowledge

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I was dealing with multiple Ashutoshes this week before the US guys returned after labour day and restored order to proceedings.


I do a lot of consultancies where I’ve gone in after the Indians have over promised on time and expertise and completely ballsed up entire enterprise infrastructures and had to fix it

I’ve yet to see them deliver even remotely on time, in budget or a functional project

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I’m good mates with a fella who is master of the WFH gig. We call him the dasher… He has a heavy ashtray that he manages to sit over the hyphen button and it keeps generating dashes so that he’ll show up as active on MS Teams. He can’t knock out over 300000 dashes of a summers afternoon.

Cunt is a genius at code and does his work in a quarter of the time allowed so no eyebrows raised yet. If anyone ever has peak under the hood in teams he’s in bother though :sweat_smile:


As a few people have said speak to your manager and try and get them to feed back to senior management that they could have a lot of people leaving if they go through with this. Try and get some sort of compromise from them. I’d be slow enough about leaving straight away if you like the work and the company. There’ll be a blended approach in most companies in the next few months. Most companies want staff back in at least some of the time but they are afraid to start insisting on it at the moment as most companies are handling it with kid gloves so as not to do with your company has done and scare the shit out of people. It is coming though so you might find you moving to another company and in 6 months time they’ll be asking you to come in 2 or 3 days a week anyway.

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That is what is wrong with the world. If you have a fella who can do it in a quarter of the time, you want him to do 4 times the work of everyone else instead of just being happy to have a fella who can do what is required.

What you really want is to take his expertise, use it in code reviews, get younger engineers paired with him and learning from him

Enable him to be more engaged with his time.

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Was talking to an acquaintance who is a director in a multinational who have a number of open positions and need bodies for a project which is ramping up but are pretty much dismissing any CVs for any candidates who are outside of commuting distance from Dublin mainly due to a number of hires they have made over the last 18 months on people with the commitment to relocate to Dublin and are simply unable to due to the lack of housing availability.

Would ye be able to relocate to Limerick?

I don’t work for said company. Anyone working there currently can work wherever they want, but they want all new hires from the greater Dublin area.

Thought it a bizarre enough approach as they can’t fill the roles they have as it is.


I think everywhere is similar at the moment.

sounds like a precursor for closure for me. if they can’t get the talent they’ll move on

WFH not an option by necessity or choice?

I doubt it, they just moved to a bigger office. They have a huge technology project just kicked off, probably a decade work in it.