The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Offices can be sold and projects can be done elsewhere. If they can’t get people they can’t do the project, and the fact they’ve narrowed the criteria sounds like they don’t want people here, although i think they’d have similar issues in any major european city. sounds like a lift and shift

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Like I said, no issue with WFT for existing employees. They are a solid company with a good culture.

Think the logic is that they have a big project on and want new employees on site a bit more to smooth over learning curves quicker and for “war rooms” which they feel won’t be as effective wfh.

Indeed, that is why they have recently signed contracts for the first and second phase of the project with an Irish technology consulting firm. You have it sussed. Their financial HQ is Ireland so they are going nowhere


contracts have terms that can result in the contract being voided. Maybe the Irish consultancies will have to do business elsewhere… simple fact, if they can’t get people in Dublin and they’re saying they only want people who are within commuting distance of Dublin, that’s a red flag

They are getting candidates and making hires. It is more so the fact that they are turning away excellent candidates and settling for less most likely just to have Dublin based staff.

Seems a bizarre enough approach to me especially as they are very laid back about current staff wfh.


I suppose the fact they’ve paid out on new office space is probably putting the squeeze on whoever made that decision.

I’d wonder about this… There are companies pushing through complex projects everyday with teams located across different times zones. Their approach sounds a bit amateurish…

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I had serious pushback lately from a company when I suggested that they have everyone on a specific function in the same time zone not necessarily the same office for a particularly complex go live. Needless to say it will come back to bite them when the middleware switches on and the interim interfaces kick in and there will be lads in their business either just getting into bed or just getting out of it oblivious to the big bowl of shit coming their way for consumption


you could temporarily put people on different shifts and don’t need to move locations

You need all hands on deck for a go live, it’s a once off. If lads are in a different time zone then stay late/come in early and give them the time back.


with any luck



I worked for a multinational, a leader in storage, they were having a convention in Vegas to showcase new technology, I worked for fibre channel, so the real high end, high tech storage sold to banks, hospitals and governments etc. Anyway a new hardware release coincided with this convention, we’ll showcase it, says the big wigs. Is the software stable?.. it is but 40% functionality… grand… we can work with that. get a team together, put on a bit of a show and we’ll generate interset.

In reality it wasn’t stable and about 20% functionality and this was 3 weeks out… long story short it got made stable, ran through QA and a build was loaded on to the machine, machine put in a box, shipped to vegas and installed on site in the convention… 3 or 4 boyos from cork shipped out to show off the bells and whistles.

day 1 goes grand… they boys are flying, there’s a queue at the demo… this is great stuff. between day 1 and day 2… cork have released an update, not tested and some cunt has decided to install it on the demo machine… bricked it. I mean now… stoned it. Dead.

The boys reconvene to the hotel bar… chaos is happening in Cork… machines dead in the whole factory… what’ll we do lads? we could rollback… the machine is bricked… we could get a new update… in 3 hours you thick cunt… we’ll have a few more pints. the lads ended up on the tear and just decided they wouldn’t show up to day 2. They all had great careers in the company


:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::ok_hand: Every software house needs a gate keeper. Usually an ould biddy in her early 50s does the trick, she’ll take it personal if anything gets passed her.

Different scenario but we’ve had a movement in the last 12 months towards recruiting into two European offices and away from a more scattered, remote, bizness travellin’ workbase which we had even prior to the pandemic. The onboarding for these new hires seems to be producing good results but tbh that’s more to do with the content we eventually had to put together for training staff in a remote world, rather than them being based in an office. The markets that don’t have offices are now struggling, more so because we don’t have boots on the ground to properly drive the projects in them. A fella is resourced to dial in for 2 hours here and there instead of driving down to the client and powering through a pile of work over a week.

Layve it the fuck aloooooone!!!


Middleware :white_check_mark:

Interim interface :white_check_mark:

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The IT geeks have taken over…


We’ll have a generation of new nerds that have even worse social skills than they currently have as they’ll be at home all day.


Basic common sense