The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Iger has lost it

What kind of a Mickey Mouse organisation is he running?

cc @estebandaface


Got your favourite book recently. Will be laying down the gauntlet to you from now on.

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Thought this might fit in here…

Big push to get more people back in to the office more often. After threats of disciplinary action all the sheeple have grudgingly gone back in. I kept tipping away from home. After a lengthy TFK like discussion with the team lead we settled on me attending the office once a month. My colleagues are back twice a week and they were wondering how I managed it. You don’t ask, you don’t get. No more than Enoch Burke there’ll be no promotions in the forseeable but you can’t win 'em all.


In our place the “Remote Working Policy” has a special provision that people can’t be discriminated against for promotion due to working remotely. Interesting if that will ever be put to the test.

it’s only words

Ah yeah. An interesting test case. If you are a particularly ‘woke’ organisation you’ll want to play the wellness card and not be forcing anxious Deirdre back into the office.

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If more women than men work remotely it’s a discrimination claim waiting to happen

Sounds like they’re phasing you out.

Finges crossed.

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Can’t be powering fans to intermittently move a mouse with the current energy crisis.

I have found a more energy efficient resolution, I have the mouse taped to the 4 month old’s leg.

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I’ve read a few stories intimating the reason a lot of tech companies are mandating a return to office is to force down the headcount by getting people to quit as opposed to seeking redundancy.

As part of a global initiative this US company that I work for are launching an inclusion network. Cork was chosen as inaugural site for launch. Their is a consensus amongst business community that diversity is good for any successful business so they now have a diversity partner and Director. I missed the kick off launch meeting due to personal committments but when email went around to register interest in joining a group you had to pick 3 options. So I chose professional development, parent/caregiver, mentorship.
Others were Autism network, Pride, Sustainability, Interfaith etc. They will all have a charter and confined to 10-12 participants.

So I was scratching my head when a meeting invite from the diversity partner landed in my inbox. My first instinct was “oh fuck what have I done” but she asked me would I consider being group leader for the Parent/caregiver network. I had my misgivings and probably came across as being mealy mouthed in my response at being slightyly uncomfortable about the prospect. Especially when there are women in there who are imminently more qualified than me to speak about parenting or being a carer, but in the end after much persuasion I caved in and said I’d do it. She said it would stand to me down the line.

Anyway I have to prepare for opening meeting. I have literally no idea how to approach it. Anyone any experience with these formats or concepts in work? Any and all advice welcome.

Mention kids and parenting but be conscious of men and women in audience who can’t have kids. That can be upsetting.

Also give time to minding elderly parents , relatives with special needs and that there needs more focus on that and sensitivity to that side

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Some good content there from @TheUlteriorMotive

I would give some time to others to outline their own parenting/caregiving responsibilities (if they are willing to share) and/or experiences. ‘Let’s go around the room’ type of job

You can nod along while pretending to take a few notes and it’ll buy you some time.


Make up some shite about how you set up a parent and toddler group in the local church to help parents have an outlet during the day when most other people are working.

Do not under any circumstances mention you only did it to try rail a few lonely wans


Are your company up to speed on the types of maternity/parent/carer’s leave and benefits? This could be a bugbear to some and could be your first action to engage HR

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This is the shit right here.

Firstly, make it a short meeting. Tell them beforehand its going to be short and stick to it. Get good coffee and a Hape of biccies.

1 - a little intro from yourself. How you have no idea why your the guy rhey picked and decent gags. Outline your own thoughts or concerns in the area based solely from your own experience. Shit that works and doesnt work for you… stress points in your week, concerns you have.
Get them to throw in a few examples of their own, just literally shout outs.

2-Break them into groups to brainstorm it on an A1 with a few… the good, the bad and the ugly… add a fantasy section (what the compnay would do for employees in this area in a dream world). Or amazing things theyve heard from other people’s jobs… etc

3-bring em back and go through em together but quick. Note em down on a big central board. Loads of em will be same or variations.

4- send em back to groups to pick their 3 most importNt in each category … then their most important 1.

5- you have a list of biggest concerns, pet hates and a to do list for your entire area. Present to employer along with semand for more time off. Done.