The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Were they wearing ties or have ties gone the way of the dodo

One of my daughters non binary pals wears them mate so they are cool again


No one there to meet you because they are all WFH

Tony says relax

Massaging the figures

What kind of a bozo would wear a bidness suit without a tie? If you are going tie less you should wear a sports coat

They were not. Suits and then shirt with top button open. Half measures.

That look always reminds me of Sunday Mass on Kilburn in the early 80s.


The red eye green bus is absolute box office. If they meet traffic around the Curragh onwards it can go in any direction. Got a spin through Kill village last week

Having to do serious multitasking today with 2 toddlers running amok due to a mix up with the creche and WFH duties simultaneously requiring attention. This is the modern workplace; I don’t know how we do it. Thankfully, the younger one has just gone for a nap now following a nutritious lunch of Birds Eye Potato Waffles and Batchelor’s Baked Beans.

N.b. doing the waffles in the toaster is a gamechanger where hungry kids are concerned, though I do find them tastier out of the oven.


@StoneCold you are in my brain the past two days.

I did potato waffles for the young lad this morning, which in turn tempted me to have them for my mid morning snack, along with some baked beans.


Dress for the job you want, unfortunately i cant go into work dressed like an NBA all star

@StoneCold I’m home alone for the second day in a row. I had an urge to have a toasted ham & cheese sandwich for lunch yesterday. But NOT via the George Foreman, instead I just toasted the bread in the toaster & popped in sliced ham & cheese when the toast popped. I didn’t want the cheese to be melted inside the sandwich, you see. I’m having the same again now.

Please write back.

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You’re missing out by not going to the office, guys. Traffic is back. 45 minutes for a circa. 3.5km commute this morning. I was back weaving through back streets and lane ways like it was 2007.


OMG would you believe I am currently prepping a ham and cheese toasted sandwich, though I am going to do it on the oven grill, being the traditionalist that I am.

I will have a glass of milk to wash it down; Im not one for tea with hot food

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Incredible scenes. I’m having a ham and cheese toasty from the George Foreman.


You lads cooking without an air fryer want your heads examined


Incredible. I had tap water with mine. I’ve back to back meetings between 2.30pm & 4pm so I’m going to stroll down to Off The Wall in Killester Doncarney FC’s grounds for fresh air & a coffee shortly. You probably saw Jeff Hendrick plugging OTW on his socials last weekend, it’s owned by his brother Kevin & Kevin’s wife Claire of course.

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My 3pm-4pm has been deferred 2 weeks to 2 November.

cc @StoneCold.

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Ideal that’ll give you more time for reflection amd introspection over your coffee, though chances are you might bump into a Raheny/Dublin GGA player and may be distracted by that.