The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

The walls in our smoking room started off white ended up brown.

No worries. The 3 year cycle is gone so you’ll want to have a look at the new circular

Ah I hadn’t known about that, I’ll have a look. Basically I’d have taken the leave in January but my manager will be on shorter working year that time, so I figure he’ll have to facilitate me taking it at another stage, maybe into April.

Good IT crowd episode on that

My current plan agreed with work is to not work December and January.

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@mikehunt and @Julio_Geordio have been doing that for years now

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I worked for a American pharma company a few years ago who had unlimited holidays due to the fact that having gone through numerous mergers and acquisitions over the years they were finding a large number of mid and senior level employees had acquired/carried over huge amounts of annual leave which was a significant enough hidden cost.

By moving to unlimited holidays there is nothing to carry over. Obviously fair usage applied and the work had to get done but it worked fairly well.

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Paddy Power brought this in a few years back I think. Apparently most companies who bring it in usually see people taking less holidays as there’s no target to hit. Think Netflix and AirBNB had it too. The yanks I work with have to be reminded monthly to take annual leave. Californians in particular appear to hate taking holidays as they feel they’ll fall behind their peers on the hamster wheel

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Its a shit underhanded deal that just ratches up pressure on employees. A trojan horse.

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Existing not living

Ya studies have shown people take less leave.

Time to get those end of year goals in lads.

Did you reach your KPI’s and drive the company going forward?


Still drafting objectives

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Hey ChatGpt. ‘Give me generic objectives for end of year, I work in an office environment’

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The WFH fanatics are worse than the split season zealots it seems.

Thought they knew it all, and ultimately proven to be completely wrong.

Susrprise surprise opinion piece in right wing rag wants the drones back in the office


Embrace it. We missed you.

A key part of my carbon offsetting is encompassed by WFH

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The office zealots expect the likes of yourself and @Julio_Geordio to have daytime naps in the supply closet.

In the Union room.

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