The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Each to their own vut I’d rather have a wank than get ridden up the hole by some frustrated uncle Tom cunt.

The country is fucked


That’s fine but at end of the day most contracts state your place of work so it’s totally at employers discretion , as the jobs market tightens they’ll drag people in.

I’ll cherish every morning sending off an email before 9 and dozing off for an hour after. The bubble might burst but the memories will last a lifetime.


The discipline to wake up after just the one hour will always have you in demand .


Fucking brilliant :clap: :clap:

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Not necessarily. Companies will look at the cost of office space leasing, particularly companies whose rent agreements are nearly up. If they can negotiate smaller and cheaper office space where workplaces are shared and the model works, they’ll stay with it. Thankfully my own job will never let me be able to wfh.

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I just don’t get it. Hybrid model is perfect. I’m in 10 days a month. Its fine. I can’t understand mentality of someone who’d prefer to wfh full time. If your boss was an absolute pig of a man fair enough but he’d just ping you all day and have meetings ad infinitum.

Usually there are enough sound people or someone you have a good rapport with to help offset any animosity with other coworkers. Perhaps some people like to keep very clear work life and personal life boundaries. My place isn’t perfect by any means but I’ve been there long enough that it’s coincided with many watershed moments in my personal life like getting married, kids being born etc.

There is a good core group there where we know each other nearly 10 years from when company was a start up and chaos of those early years. I’d probably need to leave to climb higher up the ladder but I’d definitely miss some of the people in here. But at the moment with 2 smallies I am happy to put that to one side for a year or 2 until they are both at school.


In the near future There’ll surely be a raft claims from employees whose mental health went to shit WFH , isolated in their rented room and blaming the company for not looking after them

The man wants both

The very same lads are the ones who will also lay a claim if they’re “dragged back into the office” .

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The Japanese are a test case in this regard. Hikikomori syndrome they call it over there.

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You’d surely at least have a few stories when you come home from a day at work.

Spending 40 or 50 hours a week in the attic looking at a laptop sounds like no way to live.


If your job can be done from an office it can be done from an office in Bangalore

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Its not natural.

It takes supreme self confidence and discipline to WFH full time and eschew going in to meet Brenda from payroll who’s only function is gossiping.

You can see here it’s not for everyone.

If your organisation becomes more transactional based and less project/new work orientated that can certainly be the case but the latter is far more likely to happen and succeed where there are people in the office, building relationships and interacting with each other. The yanks dont trust Suresh and Hasto in Bangalore with the keys to that car.

I dunno. In my experience you can do less in the office than at home. If you are in the office it’s like I’m here aren’t I. What more do you want. At home you’ve to turn in some sort of work.

The reality is most people only work about 4 hours a day. The rest is faffing. I find it way easier to get work done with no cunt over chatting to me because they are avoiding work.

Middle management don’t like WFH because they have no purpose if they aren’t calling meetings all day


Exactly. Work is done from 10-12 & 2-4.

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I do a savage amount of work between half 8 and lunch. I go for a nap then and I tip away for the rest of the day.

WFH wouldn’t suit a young me. But it’s class when you’ve kids and you’ve no interest in talking to people.

I get my social interactions outside of work, and I’ve enough friends at this stage.