The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

And with hybrid when you do show up in the office it’s wall to wall meetings that could have been zoom calls where you knock off the camera and scroll through your phone.

Logged in at 7.30 this morning to find a load of messages on teams. They were in until half 8. A lot of self congratulatory messages and virtual high fives about good work done in tough conditions.

Did my usual school run and logged back in around 9:30 and received an immediate phone call from my group manager trying to find out what went wrong. The tone was immediately adversarial. I explained to him if they needed stuff done I’d need a bit more notice than 15 minutes before quitting time and if people were working until 8pm then there’s clearly a resource/planning issue. They clearly can’t get the staff. He also declined a holiday request I’d put in for. Resource issue apparently. You win some you lose some. Anyway, time to wind fown for the week.


For the lads that don’t work from the office much/at all how often do ye actually talk to people ye don’t live with for any decent length of time?

This is tfk. We don’t talk to people we live with nevermind the others.


Yes mate some of us are able to interact with people who are outside our work/family networks.

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All my social interactions now are at the deli counter.


I WFH 100% and you make a valid point in fairness. At weekends im mad to get out of the house.
Still i went into Dublin from Kildare on Wednesday for work. Fuck that communte.

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You said it, try commuting from Leitrim.
My team are in the US so i would gain next to nothing going in to the Dublin office to talk to the EU team who likely just think of me as that culchie fuck stealing a wage, so WFH fo’ life (or until bubble busts… then I am fucked)


I have a walking bus so lots of chat there


Day 2 of WFH. Power gone. No idea what I’m supposed to be doing. No manager to contact regarding it and, crucially, no PS4 to play


Can you kick in the generator & catch up on lost time? Alternatively you can just work later.

No. Neither of those are a viable option at this time


Going forward you will have to reassess your WFH station & see if it is a viable option. Touch base with the office as soon as you can & don’t let the grass grow too long on this one. In the meantime look under the bonnet for any possible solutions.

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Don’t admit there are any issues with your broadband or electricity or they’ll have you in the office pronto. One exception to this rule is after a storm. My electricity alwsys goes after a storm. Allows me time to catch up on tv shows.


did you do a new H&S workspace assessment when you moved?

Go to the gym for the morning and wander into the office for the afternoon.


Glas doing civil service stereotypes no favours here…

Sounds like they really want rid of him. Raking back over old expense claims.

Jeez. I know him and family.
Has a prominent gaa post as well