The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

I see he’s a US congressman also.

We have a couple of interns working with us. Split between two teams so can get messy as there is little cross team communication. I know a lad on the other team and he rang one of them up during the week and the scamp was out in the car. Fair fucks says I.

Yesterday he put out an SOS saying he didn’t have time to complete an urgent request. The poor mouthing was funny until they asked me to cover the task. It took all my experience to dodge it but was getting hairy for a while. Cheeky fucker sent on a message on the group chat later on in the day asking if I’d managed to complete the task. Asked again for help this morning. I sent him a private message asking for a more prudent approach to his messages on the group chat from now on.

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:grinning: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

you are the king of this thread

Wish me luck please guys. I’ve to go on a Teams Call now at 9.30am where I’m going to try to do a @mikehunt on it & convince more senior colleagues that a piece of of apparently urgent work shouldn’t be started until after Easter (when somebody who’s not me will be back from holidays to do it).



I have an ongoing issue trying to deflect responsibility. I’ve done it in my sleep on other teams but that ability has suddenly evaporated, coincidentally enough, shortly after the last pay review. Two managers are off next week and for most of the summer, and I believe they think I will run the ship while they’re off and next week is a trial run. As a wise man once said, a favour today is an expectation tomorrow. They’re struggling to deal with someone who lacks ambition and says no. I’m expecting another phone call from the Group Manager.


Ask them for a temporary allowance to compensate you for the added hassle.


You need to cut to the chase .when the group manager rings re the summer managerial shortfall you need to jump straight in “Show me the incentive and I’ll show you the outcome “and then hang up.


Feels like @Bandage won’t have much time for posting between now and Easter

@Bandage needs a shot of JFDI urgently

I shamefully came out with something like: “I think [redacted] really excels in that kind of operational ringmaster role.”

Fucking hell (cc Annoying Office Jargon thread).

Anyway I don’t want to do a @Brimmer_Bradley on it & claim a complete & utter victory. The end result is…nothing is being done for now & the “urgent” project has been deferred for a while. I’ll just have to keep my wits about me.


I always thought having Microsoft Teams on my phone was a scourge and avoided. However i have embraced it lately and here I am having a coffee with a few friends and pinging the odd time to appear ‘visible’. Its been a game changer.


Right click on the send button and you can schedule messages to go whenever you want them to.

Game changer





Not enabled in my version it seems. i use similar functionality in Outlook alright, very useful.

well Holy God

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Work smarter not harder


Holy fuck :astonished:

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Also handy if you take the lock screen timer off your phone (most people have it around 5 minutes then it goes to sleep) & open teams. You’ll stay green.

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Kate Middleton spending her days lying around in piss stained tracksuit bottoms hovering a mouse every 30 minutes :hushed:

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