The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Guys, is my cheap, old laptop dead? I was tidying up a few things and someone who lives in my house picked up my laptop from the couch and fucked it on the ground. It was working for a while afterwards while making a clicking sound, but it was annoying so I tried to reboot. I’m now getting these two screens.

How old is it approximately?

Not detecting the Hard Drive it seems. Could have just failed if it is old.

It’s about 8 years old maybe. Is there any way it can be resuscitated?

Captain of Industry @Bandage has an 8 year old Acer laptop. Mortified for you.


Probably lost its connection to the hard drive. It’ll need surgery.

Open her up, find the connection to the hdd and check if its loose. Close her up, fire her up and if that doesn’t work, congratulations, you now have a paperweight


If you could get it syncing with an iPhone you could sell it to @flattythehurdler for a few hundred pounds. Unless it’s a big ugly box of course.

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Open her up? As in, use a screwdriver to look into the insides of the laptop? :anguished:

I’m now back online on an even older laptop.

FAO Ambers, my work laptop is resting in our locked down office. How dare you.

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Yeah, open it, carefully, take a picture of the innards, and someone here will tell you what to check.

That would probably require @Bandage to have screwdrivers in his house. He might need to call @rocko 's father in law for help.


Dog hairs fucked up my last laptop

I’ve a work laptop en route to me. I’m working off a ten year old MacBook pro that’s served me well, and taken a serious amount of (ab)use. I’d imagine they are giving me some dogshit Fisher Price laptop to work off

I’m on this little beauty now, but it’ll probably give up soon too.

I might try to carry out surgery on the other one when the culprit goes for his nap shortly.

Otherwise I’ll have to seek permission to enter the building to collect my laptop. Not a chance they’d buy a new one and get it sent out in these “unprecedented times.”

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:clap::clap: Dolby sound. Does it have a cassette deck?


There’s a CD drive with a CD in there.

Italian lessons.

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Hang on a fucking second. I was sent this problem to solve on whatsapp and was providing advice in good faith, not realising you had asked the world and its mother on here.


A purple laptop. By God.

What sort of tin pot organisation do you work for? My employer gave the go ahead almost 2 weeks ago for everyone to purchase a new monitor, HDMI cable, large screen etc etc up to a very generous figure as we are all used to working with 2 screens in the office. I gladly availed of this and purchased a new 49” smart TV that is now our main TV. I then set up our existing TV 43” as my second screen.

Your own readiness must be called into question also, leaving your work laptop in the office. Sure no one knew this was coming. Fail to prepare and all that.


Isn’t that misappropriation to quote Smithers mate?

Allowed as per policy, expensed, receipted, approved and reimbursed to my account.

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“Press F2.”