The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

There are certainly lessons to be learnt.

But I’m positive the audit trail on this thread will show that NONE of it is my fault.

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Lot of cheap likes and cheaper shots at Bandage here. Grow up guys.

This is worse than the time @Bandage made a fuck out of buying a set of headphones

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It was very unseemly the way that everyone piled in.

It’s the first time I’ve despaired during the lockdown. You hope the online community would rally around you when an already stressful situation is exacerbated, but also no. The vultures instead circle to pick away and critique. Of course, there were notable exceptions too. Thank you guys - you know who you are.


Also the government clearly stated people could travel to their place of work on Monday to tidy up loose ends, secure equipment etc.

Bandage is currently accessing sensitive financial data on a laptop running windows XP and riddled with viruses.


Indeed. How are you faring with data privacy regulations doing work on a private laptop?

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Probably no worse off than any number of government agencies on that score to be fair.

The directive from my employer took precedence, I’m afraid.

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I just cover my screen with my hands any time my partner or child is close by.


are close by

No one gives two fucks about GDPR right now. :clap: :clap:

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The subjects are singular.

Is close by.

Apologise now.

I can and will not. They should be seen as a pair or as a collective.

Are close by

Le fin!

You can’t set aside the rules of the language because your feelings say otherwise.

Imagine the shame if your wife and children are close by and read this exchange.

@Bandage used or in his sentence, not and, @Locke

You are wrong

If I may I will ask both you @anon78624367 and @Bandage to go ask me bollix.

I thank you kindly…


A turbulent day wfh home ends on a high.

I’ll enjoy this INTERNET victory.

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Will you ever open up the laptop?