The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

You sound like an essential cog in the wheel.

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Now they now who’s doing the least work from home, you’ll be first for the chop now.

A square head in a round role

Now there’s at least one ‘now’ too many in this post.

Coming from a public service bag carrier I’ll take that with a pinch of salt.

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I’m a high level operator mate. I don’t get dragged into endless VCs that waste my time, that would be a waste of taxpayers money. And I don’t snooze on the job either, it’s only you useless private sector drones that get away with that type of thing.

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I’ve a days work done already lads. I’ll send it on now bit by bit for the rest of the day

How does zoom compare to Teams…have been using teams meetings for a long time. Works v well I find

I’d say you do very little work, but at least you’re honest about it. There are lads here huffing and puffing away about how vital they are to their organisations and how much work they do, but they’re often the same lads who spend an extraordinary amount of time TFKing as well. Enjoy the rest of your day pal :+1:

Those who prattle on about themselves being “hard workers” are generally the most useless cunts, those who are least valuable to society, and those who admire the sort of useless “work” that is least valuable to society.

There are a few prize examples of that on this forum.

Teams is a much more complete remote working solution.
The video conferencing aspect is nearly secondary.
Where as it’s the opposite for Zoom which is primarily built around video conferencing.


Teams is really just Microsoft’s various products all pulled together under one hood.
The chat / vc is Skype, the file structure is sharepoint, the team is just a group.

What’s the whole bollocks with conference calls? Can ye not just bang off a few emails. They seem very needy.

Usually passive aggressive Project Manager types who sign off the conference call with “Have a great weekend” after dumping a fuckload of busywork tasks for you to do on Monday morning. Cunts

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Could you repost that 10 point WFH outline you had there a week ago. One of my lads wants a peep and I can’t find it. It involves your ideal spacing of emails and generally giving the impression of being flat-out in a witty fashion.
I’ll stand you an epint later. Thx.

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My life partner was on a conference call yesterday and the VP opened with “hello cool cats and kittens” and then announced their Q2 KPI targets with a drum roll saying “spoiler alert” gleefully. I don’t think anyone is excited to hear that targets are being cut across the board.

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Here you go mate

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Zoom is slicker in terms of the video call I would say, but teams is definitely better for bidness

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I do enough. No more no less. Only a mug would kill himself working for someone else


:tumbler_glass: :beer: