The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

If there’s work to be done I’ll do it, if there isn’t I won’t go looking for it.

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If there was work in the bed, I’d stay in the bed between the hours of 9 and 5 only

Put down a solid working week. Life partner still incredibly busy (according to her).

We’ve established that “meetings“ have different meanings for each of us. She classes auld internal conference calls/updates where she only has a listening brief as meetings. Disgraceful. Cocooned in the office* listening to these yokes when she could have been downstairs in the crèche.

I digress. These “stacky cups” have been a revelation for less than a tenner on He’ll stack them inside each other (see picture), make a tower with them, get them spinning like spinning tops, put them on the floor or tiles and roll them on their side like a young Richard Corsie, fuck them across the room and chase after them. He’ll play with them for ages without getting bored and it allows me to tip away.

*spare room


As a veteran WFHer, I’m sticking to my guns here in that this whole WFH love affair will start wearing thin pretty quickly for a lot of people. Even in an IT world it suits some roles very well and others not at all.

We’re having virtual coffee breaks these past few days. MD came up with the idea for the company but no doubt they’re on the go for a while. Not bad in fairness.
Teams is the best platform in finding. Great button that can fog out your background on it - makes my plain white wall foggy

I usually do some WFH each week and have the flexibility to do so, and I used to be self employed where at least 50% of my work was done from home.

Lads from work were doing virtual beers last night but I declined


I’ve work from home for years, it must be savage hard lads for lads not geared up for it[quote=“PhattPike, post:347, topic:30716, full:true”]

As a veteran WFHer, I’m sticking to my guns here in that this whole WFH love affair will start wearing thin pretty quickly for a lot of people. Even in an IT world it suits some roles very well and others not at all.

that lark gets old fairly fast, like the lads playing the decks on the balconies in Italy, there was videos every day on the internet for the first week, by next week a lot of lads in Ireland will be sitting at home with their heads in their hands, destroyed with depression

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The Oirish can’t handle the pubs being closed. The lazy Micks thought working from home meant they’d have to do fuckall

alcohol sales should be banned in Ireland at the moment, unless you are a degenerate day time pinter with a doctors note specifying you are allowed 7 cans a day on medical reason


The missus has been at least twenty five minutes trying to talk her auld lad through how to use zoom for a call this evening with the family. I should have recorded it.

The outline of this was broached with me yesterday. After about 30 seconds of quasi-technical pontificating I terminated the call with a hearty roar of:

"The fucking spuds are boiling… "

It’s unlikely to be raised again. I’m receiving daily directives as it is about various methods of entertainment /suitable foods/protective measures, endless useless guff.

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Couldn’t get going today, a lot to be said for being in the office to focus the mind a bit

Had to get up and go for a brisk walk within my 2km playground there at 4pm as I was banging my head against a wall with a particular problem. Managed to make a bit of headway with it in the last hour in fairness.

I knew waking up this morning that today would be a struggle. Groggy, despite not a drop being taken last night. Just a general feeling of listlessness.

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Ya I found the first week tough. Then I hit a routine the next two weeks and things weren’t so bad, I felt happy enough I could sustain it for another few months if needed. But fuck it, I’m cracking today. Could badly do with a day outside the house.
Maybe it’s the thoughts of the 4 day weekend coming up and nothing to do but stare at the walls some more.
I’ll head for a run shortly, hopefully that’ll clear the head


None of you guys having regular sex? Wtf like?

More into freaky sex


Do it during the day more, mate.