The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

I’m finding it very tough lately. Got a bit of a dose on top of it all so off work for a few days. Feel very trapped (and not in the condition to do any seriously freaky day time sex) so I feel I need a day out of the house asap

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Get a hurley and a few sliothers and head for the nearest green space and hit a few frees and sidelines.

Does wonders


We are all in this together.

I’ve been doing that for an hour a day. I’m missing it today

You wouldn’t hurl spuds to ducks.

the 4 day weekend coming up is the biggest dread of the lot, tip away at a bit of work during the week

You’re at nothing if you don’t have Eric Thomas playing in the background.

The alcohol fuelled posting here next Saturday and Sunday night will be something else.

Back in the office today.

Thermal camera set up to check your temperature as you walk in to the building.

Haven’t heard of anyone being caught farting as they walk past the camera yet anyway.

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Wasn’t the whole temperature thing laughed off as a waste of time at airports a while back? I know the office is a different scenario as you have people coming back every day.

Are ye back full time, or are ye doing swing shifts? No sign of ourselves doing anything like it yet but we could literally never darken the doors of the office again and operate just fine. Having said that I’d love the change of scenery.

My company has just spent 10 million on an office refurb which was completed before Christmas. Now after realising that a lot of departments can operate perfectly fine remotely.

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On a short term basis.

Possibly, but the days of needing to be in the office 5 days a week and commuting for 15 or 20 hours for same should be at an end. This would have a positive impact on the environment, public transport capacity and family life.


Oh the WFH genie is never going back in the bottle, I agree.

I know of one company who were already big on the remote working thing announcing to staff that they didn’t mind this going on indefinitely as they are so well set up for it.

Like your place, they have recently just opened a new state of the art HQ in an expensive part of town.

WFH with a proper set up works fine for SME bean counters.

Need an office but something like Virtual Cabinet means it’s very doable

Before this I could pretty much work from home whenever I wanted anyway, I’ve tended to use it very sparingly though. There’s a much more definitive end to the day when you leave the office. Much better separation of work and home.

However my commute is fairly reasonable so I’m not adding hours to my day, or much expense. It’s a grand option to have though. We’d often go to herself’s parents for the weekend, bate up on a Thursday night and work from there the Friday. Saves you the day off

I lol’d at this, mate.

Today is the first day during LOCKDOWN 2020 where I have more or less nothing to do. Had a status call at 9 and have just been TFKing since apart from my park morning workout. I’m bored now.

Finished up for today. Got through an almighty amount of work that there’s no way I would have got through if I was in work itself. If I keep going like this , I’ll be finishing up for the week by lunchtime Friday