The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

You’ve been TFKing… The country is facing an economic tsunami and this is your contribution. Of all the shite this forum has been subjected to…

We each have a role to play, old pal,

Haven’t we all. I didn’t do a stroke all day bar rustle up a dinner.

I whipped out the oul’ accordeon and played a few numbers, skulled a few cans and had a bit of a siesta. I loosely framed the start of a book (in my head) I aspire to finishing.

I’m determined to “do the Wren” next Stephen’s day, if I live to it. Targets and all that.


Good on you @anon67715551

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Such an accolade from an esteemed, nay legendary poster like yourself, is more important to me than a myriad of “Nice post” awards.
Should I sneak another Black Bush or would that demean this noblest of riposts.

@Bandage, can you make that post a stickie…Thx.


I’ve been doing that Thursday evening drive to parents/parents in laws and WFH on the Friday and/or Monday in another part of the country for years. I’ve always loudly championed WFH and its work life benefits. Especially for commuters with young families. Used to be amazed at the attitude of some would be employers when I’d gently ask about WFH options. Twice when I asked it in different meetings, I’d get the whole ‘We like everyone here in the office to bounce things off each other and create a buzz and a collaborate atmosphere, bla, bla, bla’. They were very firm on it. Now there is merit to what they say but it was the lack of flexibility in budging from it that I really disagreed with.
Anyway they were jobs that I wasn’t that bothered about and maybe if it was a different opportunity, I would have compromised.
I now think of those hiring managers and wonder will they hold the same opinion after this. I would not be surprised if some of them still won’t give the flexibility after this is over. Some lads will just always be control freaks.


“visibility” is a big thing with a lot of management - it can be classified also as job justification,
WFH can weed out a lot of waste - you have lads at various rungs of the management chain who operate merely as water carriers deliviring diluted versions of events to a level above who in turn pass it above again- now this role is not very effective from an upstairs bedroom,
thats the issue


How’s the Missus holding up mate?

Off tomorrow and going to wank until I break my banjo string

Enjoy your day, cowpat. :pray:t2:


now this role is not very effective from an upstairs bedroom.

A phrase for sharing on linkedin

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How are you managing annual leave? People will have massive banks of holidays built up with no incentive to take them. I assume some companies will make people take holidays.

It doesn’t matter a whit to her to be honest, in that she doesn’t know whether she’s coming or going unfortunately. It’s the dreaded dementia syndrome sadly.
We broke curfew yesterday to mingle with a grandson who was 8. We had a bit of a laugh out the car window, followed by a spin by the graveyard. Not terribly exciting but…

It is what it is… There’s worse than us really. Thanks for asking.


A lot of people have had to use up leave to mind kids

This was the main focus of the missus’ call yesterday. She wasn’t happy but you can see the company’s position.

Meanwhile, back in public land, I’m flat out cancelling leave as no one is taking any of it. Gonna be a serious lump of it to be taken later in the year.

No bother. Dementia is an awful thing. I’d prefer to be thrown in front of traffic I think. Fair play to you, toughest on those closest.

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Going to try and shoehorn then into the second half of the year. I’ve heard of companies in the UK forcing people to take them now.

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Can you not carry at least some of them forward to next year?

Depends per country and depending on company policy. Here you can carry them forward, in other countries it’s use it or lose it.

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There will be a lot of lads fairly fucked come Christmas break if they have to use up all their leave now.