The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

I’ve been driving the Polish economy for decades mate. I deserve a little rest occasionally.

You wouldn’t drive nails.


I drove your momma a few times.


We’re still on a rota. One day in a week and then WFH the other 4 days. I am WFH 5 days a week now due to a memebr of the household falling into the at risk category. I’ve also just heard that the other person who was in the same day as me has symptoms and her husband has tested positive for it. I have not been in since this day 2 weeks ago and haven’t shown any symptoms as of yet so hopefully it’s all good.


Any cunt that stick their holidays in on Jan 2nd every year should be forced to take them.


Best of luck

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I have been past the front gate of my house on only two occasions since the Friday before paddys day…actually don’t find it that bad…

Do you send the wife out to the shops?

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No I empower her to make the choice to go…

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You’re a real hero.

I know… Equality and all that…

Seriously man? That can’t be good for your mental health.

It’s grand… WFH til about 5…in the evening tip round the back garden with the kids. . Make the dinner… Kids to bed… Its a great reset…


Petty much the same as that. I head down to a nearby forest for a run three times a week but apart from that I don’t leave.

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Saw the parents in the flesh cor the first time in a month yesterday. She had to go into town for the shopping. Jesus wept , saying hello to your parents from behind a wall.

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That must be a great lift for them.

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Ah it was tbf.

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I do a bit of skipping and light kettlebells in the garden for a bit .does the job…



get used to it for another 2 years