The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

As a follow up to the chat on annual leave, I’ve decided to voluntarily take a few days off over the next couple of weeks. I initially cancelled some leave I was due to take in late March - what’s the point of wasting holidays if we’re going to be stuck at home anyway, right?

But now I think it will be good to ease into the day without having to log on straight away and then keep a toddler occupied while working. We’ll go for some long walks (within our exclusion zone) and come home via the park. I’ll let him run on the pitch where I saw a GAA team illegally training yesterday lunchtime. :rage:

I know that weekends allow for this in theory, but I’ve found so far in lockdown that we’ve been catching up on shopping, laundry, cleaning and so on, and only getting out for half an hour here and there. Most days seem repetitive whether it’s a weekday or weekend.

Maybe others should consider this and come back to the INTERNET refreshed and recharged afterwards.


Vincent’s or Clontarf?

Did you get a pic? You could have caused serious social media outrage with that.


if everyday starts feeling the same, you should rearrange the furniture, it will feel like moving into a new house


Have you ever actually lived with a woman?

that was on the first page of the lockdown coping strategy I got on amazon, twas written by an Italian

Them lads were driven clean demented months ago by this

I threw my hat at it a few days ago, I go out now whenever i want, they can’t police it in London anyway, nor do they want to do, its a mickey mouse lockdown so they can be seen to be doing something, they are secretly going for herd immunity in any case

They wouldn’t dare lock down the professional classes anyhow, you’ll be safe enough

Are lads able to work from home to the same level as being in the office? I was listening earlier to the radio where they were saying it’ll have a huge impact on city centres if working from home becomes a thing.

We moved bedrooms for a few nights last week. Make it feel like a holiday


You wouldn’t know yourself, I moved the television and the settee in opposite directions, It was like walking into a different room

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You’d want to be careful you don’t mess up the chi of the place though

another good one is to have the dinner at 3 o clock in the day one day and then 7 o clock the next day, it really breaks it up


Most of the lads here are dinner at 1 o clock in the day types; even the Christmas Dinner

Incredibly I did just this last week. It has transformed my humble home.

I also drilled holes in block wall for the first time in my life. More satisfaction in the task of hanging the TV than in 20 years of being an excel jockey.



How did you hide the wires

The last time I suggested moving furniture, she fucked a perfectly functional kitchen into the skip and cost me a fortune getting a new one


Especially the Christmas dinner