The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

A web meeting. Welcome to 1998.

Well it’s the Commission hosting so hardly surprising

You gonna go full Ming for it?

I’ve a two day conference Monday Tuesday. The trial run this afternoon was carnage.

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It’s actually going quite well. COM is treating it like primary school: everyone is muted and can only be unmuted by raising their :raised_hand: :smiley:

Nah, I’ve shorts on

We have something similar and questions are submitted using a text in webpage and voted for. I expect no one to pay attention to the speakers, instead they’ll be trying to get the most likes on their questions.

I’m getting priority as the only native English speaker. Some seriously mangled English going without the translators

You should be well placed to intuit what they mean after wading through some of the shite posted here.

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I’d imagine the Connaught lads and the Slavic states would have a similar level of english

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Im on a con call here for the last hour and it’s boring the bollox out of me

@artfoley, the European commission rep is restarting the computer.

They must be using teams and IE :joy:

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Does anyone know of anywhere in Dublin where you can go to a shop or showroom and try out different office chairs? Apart from Ikea. About to return my second internet bought chair in the last month.

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Would you be willing to spend big money a chair?

The one I am returning was €280. I’d go a bit over that but nothing too crazy.

See if there is anywhere selling the HumanScale chairs. I have a Diffrient (sic) World chair from them and its unreal. The RRP you’ll see advertised is very high but the mark up is ridiculous and if you were talking to the right person there’s at least 50% wiggle room in the price.

It’s a long shot but they are very good.


€280 euro isnt a lot for a good back @Horsebox,

Are you still on a covid payment?

What’s wrong with the kitchen chair lads? Ye must have no cores at all

He must be a very big unit

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