The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

I’ve ordered another one now for €360, we’ll see how that goes. I’m wfh with no danger yet of assistance thank jeebus.

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You’re going to be fucking crippled, kid.

A good hard chair is what the back needs.

A chair designed for sitting in for a half hour of ateing is not good for sitting in 40 hours a week but I appreciate you’re doing an hour a day so I’m jealous of you.


Have you tried working in a recliner?

I’ve tried working in the bed but I ended up sleeping on the floor.


There’s a lot of lads working under the bed so you are one up on them

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Have you tried using a gym ball? It’s actually quite a good option. Forces you to use your core to find your balance. It’s a very easy, light and cheap alternative.

I swap between that and an IKEA markus chair when I work from the home office. I can’t work in the office all day for 5 days though. I switch to the kitchen or sitting room to change things up for one of the days during the week. Or even the garden when the weather is nice.

Working from the kitchen using a chair from the kitchen table is a terrible idea.



I now have this image of Horsey sitting on a gym ball on his work laptop tip tapping away on TFK.



I destroyed my shoulder and back at start of lockdown working in ansuitable chair. I went into office and got my office chair - I may keep it at home and just use the standing desk in office from now on. Sitting is crippling lads

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Don’t knock it til you try it!

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These help if someone is hurting but have to work ( ladder fall )

No work no bobs

Been using my office chair which I took home just before lockdown. Got another decent chair from a mate for €25 whose company was renovating - nothing wrong with it at all and will do when back splitting time between office and home.

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Ergonomic mouse. Any lad not using one of these may as well smash his shoulders in with a sledge.


V snazzy

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