The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Yipeekayayyyy motherfuckers. The good times are here.

You do realise you paid for all that shit on his desk?

WFH baby

On one of these

I’m never going back

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Agreed as long as my employer keeps me in work I honestly don’t know when I will see the office again

I’ve been in the office a few days this week. It’s been great.

Leo works for the State. The State is funded by tax payers, always have been, always will be.
I work from home and wasn’t expected to pay for anything. Plus I can claim up to 10% of my utility bills.
I just don’t see the argument or the comments around “paid for by the taxpayers”


I’ve sold and bought a house during this lockdown. Never had more space, but you would miss the craic in the office.

Human interaction outside your family is unbelievably important, been a cunt of a year.


And Leo pays taxes on what he earns too…

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Ditto may we live in interesting times

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I’m glad we both got it done, mate

House prices next year, could take a serious dip.

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:crossed_fingers: as we’ll be buying


Spot on, pure nonsense. Departments putting their heads in the sand about providing chairs or anything else necessary for a workstation for workers too, and definitely aren’t contributing to utility bills.

House prices is a curious one. If everyone avails of working from home more then the need to be close to your work reduces and you can live further away. Rural/Suburban house prices go up, urban prices go down?

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the hide under the bed crew are social misfits


Do any of ye cover the webcam on yer WFH home laptop? A tin foil hat wearing colleague was advising me to do so as he reckons the company I’m with are introducting software to monitor absences from our desks and count number of keyboard strokes etc. I advised him that we are working for a mid sized insurance company, and it would be far from prudent for them to be monitoring their employees through their webcam, even if it was possible


It’s not expensive software and could be rolled out cheap, however I’d imagine unless it is very clearly defined in your contract / employee handbook they would be on very shaky legal grounds in using it while you are working from home.

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Look, every organisation has to carry a few @artfoley’s.