The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

are lads still working 9 to 5s in this day and age?
we’re goen totally flexible now that the WFH has come in - ok we do have fellas all over the world but i could be at it till after 1am some nights and rare enough between 2 to 5 in the afternonn would i be on except for a schduled bridge or a mail check
get the fact that fellas cant switch off but unless you are customer service office hours are surely gone id say
one the work is done and deadlines are met…

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i think we all know who mcsharry was referring to

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Boss rang me Friday, we won’t be back in the office for the foreseeable. That’s a pity I says




January 2021 and beyond is what I was told. Imagine having bought a place in Dublin or even worse Kildare :mugs:

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No commute, it’s brilliant.

I know I’m being paranoid, but I can’t help thinking people are having meetings I’m not invited to

Christ that would be lovely.


Any of you use Teams in work place?

Zoom is way better

Yes Webex for video conferencing and teams for messaging

Yes, Teams is excellent, but it depends what you plan on using it for.

Yeah, find it good


Looks like I’m WFH until end of year more or less.

I bought a decent office chair last week as the previous one had seen better days.

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Yes, it’s fucking class. It’s Zoom for grown-ups.

Teams is revolutionary if used properly. It’s evolving like fuck too. If being used properly email usage should fall off over time.

The 7x7 gallery feature which should be available this week along with specific breakout room functionality will be a big hit.


Much that set you back?

I’m in the market for one myself

€180. Grand job. Harvey Norman the cunts. Down from 200.

It’s very comfortable compared to the heap of shite I was using.