The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

You won’t be laughing when my business book. “Less meetings more naps“ starts flying off the shelf

your target audience will be too lazy to go to the shop and buy it, they’ll burn it off a pirate website.

ah look seriously @Julio_Geordio there is a happy medium but there exists an awful amount of bureaucracy in most office environments. As an engineer or someone with deadlines you have to be able to grease the wheels, you can’t do that as a remote presence, you need to be able to go into a fella and get a sense of urgency across when he’s holding onto a piece of work or refusing or whatever. That doesn’t really work on zoom or emails.

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There is a HIGH IMPORTANCE :exclamation: button on the emails for emails that are HIGHLY IMPORTANT :exclamation:

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He was in fine form today

Can I WFH at 4.24 am in future?

Yep, you can patch the e-Gates with the latest updates remotely in the middle of the night.

You can forget about the egates. DUB will be an empty warehouse in a few months. The LIDTF crew will have got their wish and it’ll be 500 euro if you want to fly to Manchester

Attendances at Old Trafford and Anfield will be badly hit.

Its not all bad so

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Well they’re at 0 now


I might give away my identity here, as maybe someone else ONLINE works in my place, but I can’t stay silent.

The bosses have organised a virtual team dinner next midweek.

General details are:

  • Log into dinner via zoom at 7.30pm
  • You can spend up to €40 on food and get it reimbursed. There will be no payment for alcohol.
  • There will be separate zoom “meetings” set up for starter, main course and dessert, and you’ll move between groups so you’re chatting to different people at each course.
  • There’ll be one group meeting set up then at 9pm for lolz and bantz.
  • People have been invited to contact one of the PAs if they want to put their name down to sing a song or do something else. It was mentioned that people might have a piano at home or play the guitar or something. We can also show our colleagues something interesting about our home life. Maybe introduce children or the family pet or give a virtual tour of your house if you think it’s a Home of the Year candidate.
  • “Revellers” can then stay in that group call for as long as the craic is being had.

Dear Lord above. I’m so happy I’m on leave next week. I’ll be driving through Garda checkpoints to make sure I get to Wexford. I will not cancel this holiday under any circumstances.


Sounds like a dinner set up for bosses to show off their expensive homes


We have a very similar Company Fun Day pencilled in for this Friday. I don’t have the exact details as I’m on leave this week (have had it booked for months) and I’m too heartbroken to be missing out on so much virtual FUN.

Jesus. I’d say my internet would be on the fritz if I’d to face that

I don’t know whether or respond witn :face_vomiting: or :rofl:

Jesus christ that sounds horrendous. You must find out how this goes and report back. Anyone who volunteers to do a party piece should be fired on the spot

Maybe it’s because I’m from Tipp and a tight roaster at heart but I’d probably do that, run up the full €40 in food expenses and log out as soon as is acceptable

It does sound pretty awful alright, although my employer wouldn’t even spring for a sandwich let alone a three course e-meal


So you looking for a sub?