The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

[quote=“Bandage, post:818, topic:30716, full:true”]
I might give away my identity here, as maybe someone else ONLINE works in my place, but I can’t stay silent.

Been back in the old sod nearly 3 weeks now - wfhfh - is eircom wifi generally shit compared to the other providers?

If it’s just a standard DSL line then it won’t be great.

Any fixed line/fibre broadband will be grand, once you move beyond that, you’ll be in bother.

Can you see the sky?

You probably brought the COVID back with you and infected hundreds. Shame

Have you options?

Tested negative 2 days before i came back but went to chipp and coughed on a load of shit around the place just in case.
Fuck chipp

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The wifi is generally good for work purposes but once or twice a day will just fuck off for a few minutes.
Tis more for th’oul netflix than anything.

if youre on copper pair, then its probably an internal wiring issue

I see Google have told their staff that moved abroad to WFH that they will need to return to their country of employment before year end.

Makes sense. Big mess with taxation otherwise. The next question would be whether they should pay a Dublin salary to someone living out in the sticks in Bulgaria or somewhere?

If there are still travel restrictions it could be a nightmare for people trying to get back.

Has there been a huge drop in rentals in Dublin. If there’s a big influx with people having to relocate at the end of the year it could be a real mess

Google CFO reads TFK. Where do I send the bill for my time?

New job and back in an office. Feels good to get out each morning. :slight_smile:

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And who told Google to tell them I wonder? :thinking:

I got a grand new office desk off the internet for the ‘home office’. I’ll be WFH until at least February it seems

I’ve fineigled my way onto our company’s Future of Working committee. I intend to drive the agenda towards working from home often enough to justify moving out of Dublin.

I’ll need to watch out for youngsters who want to maintain a presence in the office for social reasons and people using the office to hide out from their kids.


Call it flexible working.