The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

I’m at home imaging machines.

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Looking forward to heading to work tomorrow. I have an office by myself so other than public transport there and back I think I’m ok. Lack of routine is an awful curse.


Routine is a big one. Reading reports from places that are deep in lockdown and timetables and adhering to them seem to be a recurring coping mechanism that’s helping people

It’s frightening the amount of morons working in the public service that can’t follow a simple guide to logging onto a VPN or join teams meetings.


Or someone who wanted to create an entire new team for every call they wanted to make via teams

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Mary at Home: I can’t connect to my drives

Ambrose: Have you the VPN running, Mary?

Mary at Home: No, I don’t

Ambrose: Fuck off and die you stupid Cunt, Mary.


Have you the VPN running?

What do you mean?


Thought and prayers to the lads working on the frontline of IT support


Having issues logging in from home today. Presenteeism is wonderful from home.

You’d nearly need to be at the house sitting beside them every time they log in. The vast majority of our staff need basic ECDL training

Tell Mary that someone in the house is streaming from pornhub and breaching policy

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How can send them the instructions? WhatsApp or Gmail I guess. I doubt they have work email in their phones

Back in tomorrow evening (hopefully)
Never looked forward so much in my life to go to work.

Spent the last 15 mins setting up the spare room as the wfh office for the next few weeks and already hate it. Knowing there’s only brown bread, nature’s best bars and the wife downstairs instead of a vending machine and dirty Denise from accounts is grim.


Anyone know if commercial tenants have any grounds for rental rebate/suspension when;

  1. Business decides that employees will WFH; or

  2. Legislation/Government directive to WFH

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No one knows because the Govt hasn’t said anything about rents yet, commercial or domestic. Best bet is pray your landlord isn’t a scumbag and call them

You could just sign up to this and hope for the best


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Ive been browsing mail and WFH cc @briantinnion from around 7pm to now dealing with the US
Im going to WFH tomorrow due to childcare but most of my action tomorrow is when the US come online at 4pm ( ireland) so ill be at it from 9pm ish thru till 1- i set an OOO/OOP just now with with contact details.
i fully intend being onsite for Thursday - we’ve had our fun now - the country must get back to work and i fully trust the protocol that we will be expected to adhere to - i would say that i will champion it in fact


At work. Hungover. Incredibly quiet