The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

You’re some man to be hammering away, and studying on the side. I wasn’t sure if anyone worked here.

I’m work from work naturally but I’m off today and tomorrow. If there’s still an airport open, I’ll probably need to be there Wednesday. Lot of talk about redeployment for the lower staff but us important types will need to be present.

The missus appears to be WFH. She’s the laptop out anyway.

Still picture no sound?

I’ve no idea what she does for a living


I have a strong view it on it myself of course, but I’d like to take a temperature gauge of the rest of peoples feelings before expressing it, as I don’t want to colour peoples views with my own. I’m conscious that this is an unprecedented situation, with no right or wrong answers and I don’t want to shut anyone’s idea’s off before they’ve been fully considered.
So eh Bill, what do you think?


An hour in and I’ve nearly fucked the laptop out the window. I worked from home for years before but this fucking thing [the laptop, not me] is coming towards the end of its life.

I’ve limited my interactions to the absolute minimum required to get my work done. So just a standard Monday here.

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yes - in the fullness of time ill probably figure out that i am running from something and doing this to fill a chasm that exists deep in my subconscious


I hoped you washed your hands afterwards, it’s probably riddled with viruses.

That’s a stunning post.

Keep well Mickeee. You’re an alright sort.

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About to take a fucking hammer to the thing.

Will do what I can do via the iPad for rest of today, and hope to fuck this auld machine starts cooperating come tomorrow

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thanks man - its a day for a walk in blackrock

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We’re exploring splitting the office into Team A and Team B. Each team works a week from home, in rotation until such point that we feel everyone needs to go home. Waiting on the rubber stamp from above but aiming to start Friday.

It’ll be like picking teams at PE in primary school again. I’ll try and patrol the fuckwits into the opposing team.

The micks have been doing that in plenty of places since late last week.

Good to see Mick tackling the incredible infection rate.

You should use the ABBA system which was trialled for Penalty Shootouts.

Just to mix it up a bit like.

We might take a chance on that.

Fuck sake I think the civil service are even st that

Parts of the Public Sector are a complete mangle of incompetence and disorganisation. Mrs KP has been promised a laptop from work for the past 2 weeks, no sign of it yet… One arrived to another colleague yesterday… No MS Teams on it. :pensive:

They are an admin office (low priority stuff in current environment) with absolutely no need for most of them to be in the office but they haven’t a clue how the whole remote thing should happen. Chances are most will get redeployed to front line support shortly anyway.


More lies.