The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Any sign of Gemma


Back in the office today. Was due to be back in Monday but we were closed to allow a deep cleaning of the building.

I’m the only one in the office so far. I went for a cup of tea there and I might turn on the laptop soon.

No rush lad. Pace yourself

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The sales of noise cancelling ear phones will peak this week…


100% working from home in our place from today I am at since Friday so beginning to feel normal🤣

In today. Roads were eerily quiet on the way to work.


My gang came back and asked if they could take the dual monitors home with them.

One of the lads here arrived in this morning and took off with his drive and both monitors :smile:

They are nearly a mandatory item at this stage.

I said that if they fancy taking them on the bus to work away. Seriously though, if people are out for an extended period of time will have to look at it.

Enjoy it. Keeping busy is a great way to distract yourself from how utterly fucking pointless it all is. When you’re busy you can fool yourself into thinking everything will be great when XYZ project is over the line. Sometimes you get a reprieve, things get quiet and you think to yourself - what if this is as good as it gets? But then a perceived crisis will let you think what you do is important and you will be distracted again. Before you know it you’ll be 60, retired and actually able to enjoy life properly.

I’ve come in this morning as I’m too soft to close the door on the small one at home and she wants to sit on my knee while I work. Clients are still of the view they need stuff done so we’ll have to carry on for a while anyway.


Any fella who is anyway serious about computers needs at least two monitors and a bangin headset.

how is everyone juggling kids in house and WFH from the office updstairs?

It can’t be done. Anyone that claims it can has a job that only requires 10 hours of actual work per week.


That would be most of the lads on here by the look of it.2 monitors,1 for “work” and 1 for TFK

Define actual work?

I would be very surprised if there are many office based jobs which require much more than 10 to 15 hours of actual work a week. The rest is just admin and busy work which is non essential.


When this is all over corporations will realise how much office space and headcount they really need.