The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

You should insist that people put them on and where there’s more than one person in a room insist whoever is talking gets in front of camera…it’s like Roy keanes early crunching tackle on Marc overmars in 2001, it really sets the tone …

Would you rather a 4 day week or a 6hr day x 5?

4 day week.


First day spending more than half an hour in the office in 18 months. Saw one of the women from admin and didn’t recognise her on way in. She lost a shedload of weight. Must have been on the lockdown running thread.

Got a bit hungry there and said I’d see if there was anything open around and found a new vending machine. Said I’d get a KitKat. Went to pay for it via card and it only charged me 20 cent. KitKat was hanging over the edge but didn’t come out so I went again and now I’m back in the office with two KitKats for 40 cent. Back to the glory days when myself and @Thomas_Brady used to have change from a euro for a couple of packs of Buffalo Hunky Dorys and a few double deckers. Sorry to @Juhniallio and the vending machine clique


Great days…

The best of times


I’ve decided to just have one KitKat. My colleague that I share an office with is in tomorrow, so I’ve left the other one on his desk as a welcome back ‘treat’. I won’t be filling him on the 20 cent deal.


My greatest ever professional achievement

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I went in yesterday for the first time since 11 March 2020 (cc Ireland-Serbia thread) and there was only one other person there (the IT guy). He told me he’s been pretty much on site throughout the pandemic for, ahem, IT related reasons (something about servers).

I alighted from the DART at Dublin Connolly and made a mental note to take everything in as I walked into the heart of the IFSC (like Roy Curtis strolling from one city centre pub to another on AISF final weekend).

An awful lot of cafes, pubs and restaurants remain CLOSED. The Harbourmaster has a grand reopening sign. Munchies and Bear Market across from Stokes Kennedy Crowley are shut. I didn’t go into CHQ building but Urban Brewing Company is OPEN. Further down, Coffee Angel is OPEN, as is the Spar and the Grafton Barber. Il Fornaio and Foodie Cafe are CLOSED, as is Lagoona. Biz Quip stationery and office supplier seemed to be CLOSED for good.

Some talk that our return to the office as a team once every two weeks will be put on hold due to the elevated case numbers lately! But people can voluntarily go in, if they want. Let them at it.


What about Broadway pizza pal? I need my Friday hero when I return

Is that the place hidden away in the corner of Mayor Square? I couldn’t ascertain its status for definite. There seemed to be some kind of outdoor eating structure outside the premises but it looked CLOSED.

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It is indeed. With borlottie and sightings of Cian o Sullivan also gone a while - very hard to justify a trip to that zone of the ifsc from now on

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Kyoto Asian Street Food was a massive pre-pandemic loss. Some people were excited about Boojum’s arrival but it’s not for me, Clive. Actually I didn’t notice if it was still there.

This is a bit Blindbat Bookcake, but anybody gotten that weird conflicting (post?) pandemic feeling of life seeming to stand still in one sense but a lot happening on the other hand (births, marriages, bereavements, job changes/promotions, new Wexford managers etc)?

Walking around yesterday, I got this surreal feeling as if I’d missed a year and a half of my life and that I was just transported back into the routine of March 2020. Yet since then, I’ve welcomed a son, broken the 25-minute 5km barrier and watched Stephen Kenny gain his first win as Ireland manager (v Andorra).

One of my key life skills is recognising people/faces, remembering where I know them from and then ignoring them and continuing my day. I was walking through Dublin Connolly when I spotted a facilities management employee sweeping up and I remembered him from my work jaunts to and from the DART and how I used to chat to him when he did a similar role in Bank of Ireland years ago. I wondered how life has been for him in these past 18 months but I walked on (cc @peddlerscross).


IT people are very odd.

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The right-on Richard Chambers and other members of the woke avengers have changed the meaning of that incident if you hadn’t heard. Overmars actually had a great game that day and ran the show creatively for Holland. So, it retrospect, it was possible that Keane’s tackle had the opposite of the desired effect.

I might head in for an hour tomorrow morning to sign a few contracts.

I’d say Chambers doesn’t have much choice to be woke given his Mrs.

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You couldn’t just DocuSign them?

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They barely have running water over there.

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