The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Job market pressure will drive it. When skilled people are hard to find they will be in a better position to dictate their own terms. Once the work is done properly any boss worth their salt shouldn’t care where it is done.


I’m lucky in that I don’t even have to pretend to be busy at the office. Win win

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They got too cosy at home

some people like wfh, some dont
some people work better at home some dont

odd that @Julio_Geordio is so intransigent here & is claiming the way he prefers is the correct format

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we’re doing a 3/2 - Monday and Friday WFH so it aint too bad I suppose. We’re the only team in… our boss ‘volunteered’ us…

I think That’s the perfect model with them days

I’m trying to save the fucking World here mate, why do you hate the planet so much

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I know, I saw you on TFK when I went through last week

I know the lads that need stopping

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Seems our bosses are concerned about numbers turning up at the office and are “encouraging” people to come back in but are not going to “force” anyone. Our manager sent an email asking if any of us had interest. I replied all saying I had no interest in heading back and another colleague replied on mine saying he had no interest either. One person has already moved to the other side of the country so can imagine it was a no as well and someone had already moved down the country pre covid.

Luckily our manager is of a similar mindset and trusts us to do the necessary work from home (cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy). However the boss replied saying we will likely be required to come back at some stage. Twice a week was the hint but I’d say one day every couple of weeks will be the requirement.

My aim over the winter will be to do 2 days per week in the office.
Maybe 5 days over the course of 2 weeks.

I can do 90% of my work from home but the other 10% piles up fairly quickly. The other big thing I find is knocking around the office is you can have the casual conversations that can lead to decent projects / solutions.

Tentatively lining up a day in the office next week.

Incidentally a Norwegian client asked me on a call there yesterday if I were vaccinated. I didn’t want to play it too eager for a SITE VISIT, so I just said indeed and I am and I could see him on the video at the other end nodding thoughtfully at this.

We’re back.

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I share an office with another chap. It’s a small office with no natural ventilation.

I can more or less work from home Mondays and Tuesdays, and he can work from home Thursdays and Fridays (and he will as he lives in Belfast) making Wednesdays the only day we will have crossover. I haven’t actually seen him since pre-pandemic as I couldn’t go in this week due to Covid symptoms etc :grimacing:

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A lot of lads planning on getting paid to sit on their couch in a tracksuit forever more are in for a shock to the system in the next 12 months I’m afraid.


Wait till the tax increases start

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I’m currently sitting on my couch in a tracksuit

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I’m in shorts, although it’s getting borderline for shorts weather

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Haven’t worn long pance of any kind since late April. Going to be epic to see if I can make it through October. Looking like a potential work trip to UK on Oct 26th will ruin it for me


I had to dig out a suit for a funeral recently and ended up grabbing one from the back of the closet with no arse on the trousers. Had to make an emergency stop at Dunnes.

I made the move to a tracksuit last week but am on the verge of reverting to shorts, it’s fierce mild altogether this week.