The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

  1. Can they prove where they got the Covid?
  2. Inform all people in the office about the contact and advise them to follow whatever guidelines exist on isolation. But just one case can damage people’s confidence of being in an office. Rightly or wrongly.
  3. Are we ultimately getting to a situation where proof of vaccination becomes a requirement to attend an office? Will it be a condition of keeping your employment?

So many questions. I am sure it will all be grand.

Or using public transport? At least you can try and secure a workplace.

They all died from the Covid

We’ve one or two like that, but also one or two that are glad to have the commute back, as it’s a break from family life etc.

We’ve a few people (in their 40s) living at home with elderly parents that have fears but are told they must come in.

Most were delighted to be back in over last few weeks.

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You took an idiotic stance on an issue and you’re in the wrong. It’s ok, it happens.

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Ah yeah it’ll be a mix of emotions of course. People with shitty commutes will understandably not want to go back in and others will be only too delighted. It’ll be a turbulent few months and things will settle into the new ways of working probably in February or March next year.

i miss that goofy cunt

The key is not to use the word mandatory in any communications with people. We’re saying that RTO is voluntary until such time as the pandemic is declared over (whenever that is) and that after that we will follow a hybrid model. A straight bat for the moment (as opposed to a Wuhan bat).


Jaysus that’s some achievement implementing WhatsApp as part of the Farm Maintenance Methodology. :grin: I’ve tried to introduce that a couple of times and the CEO has sent me home with my tail between me legs.


Who the fuck wears long pants when at home? I’ve worn long pants less than ten times since the pandemic kicked in I’d say… And you’ll be grand all year around , you just need to keep your feet and head warm and you’ll be grand in winter. We don’t really get cold weather in fairness. 2 X grey denim shorts, 1 x Limerick GAA shorts and an assortment of O’Neills/ soccer togs is my wardrobe

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BBC News - Working from home: Staff abuse it, says City boss

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He is right. Every Friday a half day.

Mrs O’Sullivan must lay awake at night thinking what she could have done differently.

The finance lads are very insecure

Half their job is boozy lunches in Fenchurch Street and Leadenhall.

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I presume fellas find they are able to do way more TFK’ing while at home as opposed to in the office?

This will be a big stumbling block trying to get people back into offices.

If it’s important to you, you’ll find the time

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It can’t be easy in an open plan office having a tab open on your screen talking about cunts of the year etc.

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I don’t know how I do it

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You don’t get through 760 seasons of Football Chairman without being able to walk that tightrope.