The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

this is the greatest h/c reduction experiment of all time
lads would do well to be nervous and on edge at these times - folk will get found out here now and i would urge all forum businessmen to be on point

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I’m in the office for a few hours today

  • drove in
  • took the stairs to avoid any lifts
  • one other person on my floor

It’s quiet in Dublin. Lots of people out walking but otherwise like an early Sunday morning.

There are really good portable monitors you can get.

In work.

Luddite boss doesn’t believe in wFH

Admin work is work too. Anything that supports getting money in the door. Coffee breaks and meaningless meandering meetings are not work.


In work. Drove in. About 50% staff in.
Management meeting at noon to discuss flexible hours, working from home, shifts, weekend work, most of which never existed with us to date.

The amount of meetings that are an utter waste of time… Some clown wanting to convince everyone he is busy so talks for an hour on a topic that can be covered in 5 mins…i was at 3 last week that left me utterly depressed… Some spoofers out there…


We’re all working remotely and one lad has changed his standard email sign off from “Best regards” to “Socially distant”. I had a token laugh for its quirkiness at first but it now appears to be a permanent change.

Guys is anyone else starting to suspect their life partner is exaggerating how work busy they are so the childcare burden will fall mainly on you?

I need to set up some kind of trap here.


I haven’t disclosed to Mrs Nwoko that I’m WFH Friday. I plan to leave the house Friday morning as usual and work in a park. I know WFH will escalate into babysitting and I’ve a busy week ahead.

I’ll come clean Monday morning and wave the day goodbye.

Don’t set up a trap… She’ll just turn gangster on you for catching her out and in the end will be your fault… Just note her tactics and do same but multiply x 4…

agreed, soul destroying

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If that was my lot I’d fcukin crack… I’m glad I’ve kids to go home to…

At times like this I’m glad the child rearing days are well over.i have a few on my team trying to mind small kids and work as well. Godspeed to all on here in the same predicament.

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Exactly. Remote working is the future.

Except the majority of the tech MNC companies with a young hip workforce never trusted them to WFH and they are also obsessed about creating a ‘communal culture’ (i.e. Brainwashing them) by having them in the office.

I don’t think remote working 100% of the time is ideal either but if somebody want to do it 80% there shouldn’t be an issue if they’ve been in a company 6 months plus. I used to only see my team mates and manager un person once a month and it has never felt like they are strangers when we meet up. Won’t see them for months now outside of video calls :grin:


I’m here parked up in the Curragh. 9 month old napping in back seat. I’ve laptop going through my hot-spot.

Its a nightmare at the minute with a crazy 2 year old and 9 month old with bad reflux and teething


You have my sympathies.

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God help you.

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women with OOO/OOP messages here quoting governement legislation
lads - you’d need you’re head examined to be a people manager

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I went into the office this morning, only a few in, half working from home. Back home now and was able to put the 2 year old down for her nap, lash through work/TFK for 2 hours and then it’ll be hit or miss after that. Ms Locke is going to be WFH from today until the whole thing calms down, that should give me a bit of freedom.
But, two new pieces of business have been pushed out and the Danish bird won’t get here for the start of April. FML!!