The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

I was surprised to see so few places in city centre offering deals to entice the already low numbers

He made the right decision - only real food places open are your Spars and odd café. Any food spots open haven’t changed their prices - in fact they look more expensive.

TB test this morning. All clear.

GL testing this afternoon. Cost centres all over the shop.

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This lady needed a bit of assistance at lunchtime. All done and dusted before the 2.30 strategy workshop.


She’s very shy.

What humble cows you rear.


His cattle are like pets I’d say.

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Bet they don’t sweep out the shed after themsleves though …

I think he should call her Clucko.


My Hero :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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She’s kill you in a second. Beware

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Just wrapped up the scrum call there and quickly threw on few lamb chops in the oven. On with the wellies and over to the road to check the young bucko and he was just wrapping up his first feed.



I suppose there’s no reason why not as long as they are not not disruptive, right?

Yeah let’s have a pack of twenty dogs roaming around the office. That will end well.


I think employers will be a bit pissed that the office wasn’t asked for a month ago. They could have gone for a big back to school feel with it at the start of September. People happy enough to come in with the weather nicer and kids back in school, pre the sniffles kicking off. You develop a bit of momentum then. Dreary autumn days into the winter isn’t the most enticing.

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The cleaners will love having a bit of dog shite on the carpets just to mix things up a bit.


I said as long as they are not disruptive. What more do you want.

A very big IF there.

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A new lad joined the IT department the other day and he turned up with his wife. Asked if she could come into the office with him for the day.



I’ve been giving serious consideration to deciding that bringing a dog to work is ok, thereby enabling myself to get a dog. Sure what harm would it be.