The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Checking out his targets at the Christmas party

Do you work in a vets office, dog pound or dog minders. If the answer to any of those is no, cop the fuck on to yourself. (Unless its a guide dog)

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Another one with old man balbec’s attitude. The world has changed man.

The dog would probably be your boss in a couple of weeks


I’d still be the dogs owner and he or she would be bringing home a decent wedge. I see no downsides to this.

Oh no mate. That’s like slave ownership. You could go to jail. Best have a civil ceremony with the dog and ye can pool together your tax credits.

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I don’t know how we do it.

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A lot of asthmatics react badly to shedding dogs. Do we not have regard to their health? Do we restrict access then to non shedding dogs? Is that discriminatory? Are people entitled to a workplace that doesn’t smell of dog? A lot of leases don’t allow you to bring animals into the property. What do you do about that? Some people have a pathological fear of dogs - are their rights to be disregarded


I have my own office I don’t see why my dog can’t sit in there happily without disturbing anyone else. If someone is seriously allergic that might be an issue of course.

I had a meeting with a huge US retailer in San Francisco HQ in 2006 and the key buyer, in shorts and a t-shirt, had a poodle on his lap.

Was mad to me at the time though extremely common in the bay area all the way back then

Its cruel to the dog

I don’t think I’d bring the dog to meetings with the minister or that kind of thing, I’d leave him in the office. Although the walk to fail buildings would be great for the dog, I could probably tie him to a railing in the courtyard and the usher could look after him.

There’ll be a lot of dogs bought at the start of lockdown that are used to a full house. There’ll plenty hounds wondering, after 18 months, what the fuck they’ve done wrong that the rest of the pack fuck off every day without them all of a sudden

There’ll be a fuck load of dogs destroyed unfortunately

My plan is to adopt one of these poor poor lockdown abandonees. Adopt don’t shop.

Places are already filling up with them. It’s going to be an epidemic.

Also, I imagine the type of people that have gotten themselves a lockdown dog and then decide they can’t handle it and throw it away for adoption when normal work returns wouldn’t have been the types to put a lot of effort into training their dogs either. Will probably take a bit of effort to set one of these dogs straight.

Is say leave it off if you haven’t enough time that’d you’d have to bring him into an office

Yerra I was only rising really about having the dog into the office. But if I had one and it made my life easier I’d see no issue with it. I’d have had a dog myself long ago if I thought I had the time for it but if you’re gone out of the house for a full working day and don’t have a big garden (and an island) it probably doesn’t work. Something low enough energy might be alright, sure the Spanish all have dogs in their apartments. The flexible working at minimum means you can always get home for a certain time if needs be and check back in.

Unless one of us was home full time I wouldnt have one.if you were dead keen get 2 dopey ones and they’d entertain each other