The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Let’s not open that debate. The folk inside the pale don’t understand. Up there with their public transport, feral children, €8 pints. All well and good but do you know what they don’t have? Sam or Liam.


id be in munster frequently between cork and limerick. to be honest, i did the n20 a couple of times but now i go on the n24 and m8

Better off at least you know you are some bit safe

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All you cunts who went back to the office in the past week have lengthened my morning commute by some 10 minutes. Fuck off back to the spare room or the kitchen table


Would ye put on a treat in the office to encourage them in? Free roasted swan rolls or something


We showed them the hurling final.


First experience of a post lockdown mixed video call there with a handful of us in the office with the big boss and 4 others dialling in from various homes around Dublin and Meath. Those dialling in constantly complaining about not being able to hear people and turning off their cameras to the point that the big boss just lost interest in engaging with them for the last half hour of the call.

I took two big takeaways from the meeting. 1 - ye can forget about yer working from the couch from now on if ye want to make any career progression at all. 2 - hang onto my coat tails because Horsebox’s career is about to go stratospheric!


Yeap. I would have seen that even pre covid with people dialled in remotely.
The people in the office meeting room only adjust their voices for those in the room. You get multiple side chats happening too in the meeting room. All while the lad in Meath in his bedroom hasn’t a notion whats going on.
It’s an obvious outcome really when remote lads are personally miked up while on site lads forget about the little phone speaker thingy in the middle of the massive table.


I’ve progressed the career enough to go for an Island. The lads in the office can deal with the bigwigs, so they can.


True enough and you have the talent & discipline to go far. But there will be those happy to drift along at their current level and it might suit them to stay at home doing fuck all. That said, my good pal @mickee321 has often mentioned how the big boss types might start to wonder what these middle of the road types are adding, if their presence isn’t being noticed.

We’re kicking off the once every two weeks office attendance in the first week of November. I was chatting a neighbour working in aircraft leasing and they’re back 4 days per week since September, moving to 5 soon. Very important business - buying, selling & leasing planes.

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After a few months back in the office three days a week, most of us are out of the office for next week, and there’s a general sense that most of us will be taking care of parenting duties during the mid term break, tipping away at some non-essential work. There’s almost an unwritten rule that nobody organises a meeting (all our meetings are remaining virtual) during this particular week. Well one colleague has just gone off and organised one, which she marked in outlook with an email that had the little red exclamation ‘high importance’ (it’s not) mark. A few are seething.


TWATS - the lads who only come into office on Tuesdays Wednesdays And ThursdayS

are already being lined up by big boss men


I can imagine there’d be a lot of hands on practical work in the management of the leasing of planes that don’t spend any time in Ireland to companies outside of Ireland that would require peoples’ full attendance at the office.

I would say Wednesdays certainly seem to be busiest in the mornings

I’m an island boi, put my vest on yeah

I’ve heard similar of an aircraft leasing crowd, possibly the same company, the mantra is either get into the office or find a new job.

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Decline it

I’ve not responded. Our boss hit decline on Teams alright!


They are actually very big employers, far from brass plate operations.

Although the crowd that took the Hanging Gardens in Limerick (NAC) are fucked. The offices have been empty since the pandemic began and even then they were actually only using 1 floor.

Spent a few bob in the last 18 months in kitting out conference and meeting rooms with proper gear. Supplied all admin staff with jabras headsets, web cams, double screens and docking stations… And finally subcontracted a fella in for 6 months to training all staff on MS Teams.

The usage stats are savage for a bunch of users who were pure technophobes precovid.

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