The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

The public service crew recognised the opportunity to stay at home without career consequences

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A few lads here best stay clear of any Ryanair office roles that come up…

Couple of those aircraft leasing mobs were absolutely flagrant with their spending. Shannon not pretty enough for their operations, some took on new premises in extremely salubrious spots in the capital . Crazy shit.

Serious dose of reality injected into that industry past 18+ months, mightn’t do them a bit harm medium to long term.

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@Copper_pipe, stop making fun of @Appendage’s jeans.


Some chap has copied half the world in a catty email to me there asking why I have yet to reply to his below email dated 6 October.

I’ve just replied to all referring him to my response dated 7 October, which was sent directly to him.

A @Brimmer_Bradley -esque victory for me here. I hate when fuckers use that passive aggressive tactic of copying superiors.


I fuckin love that



He will look like some mug now.

If he doesn’t respond before close of business this evening. Please email everyone again and ask him if he can confirm receipt of email.


What’s the betting he’ll claim it somehow went to his junk mail?

Is he the chap that wanted ye all to be in the office?

is it better here really pissing him off and only replying to him.
its very condescending and shows you have no interest in the distro he cc’d or his conversation.
a reply with no hello goodbye nothing just a few words like “I already replied to that”…

never, ever entertain fuckers like that, I’d actually say I probably wouldn’t even reply…copying people is a sign of insecurity, if he needs data or what not that bad he’ll call you


I did an interview with Ryanair circa 2012 and had a job offer from them which I thankfully turned down in favour of my current employer. It was a savage experience. The interviewer did his best to absolutely belittle every single achievement I called out and make a mockery of me.

In the 2nd round interview they give you a written test of sorts but don’t give you any stationary to complete it as Ryanair staff have to bring their own pens to work. O’Leary was prancing around the office in a pair of weathered light denim jeans and a pair of manky white Nike runners.

It was one of those experiences afterwards that you’d find yourself questioning if it actually happened or if you dreamt it. Apparently their interview style is to try and make a cunt of you in the interview so they can make sure you’re thick skinned enough to work there. I’d say the woke crew of the present day would be up in arms if put in this scenario.


At least you had that bit done going in




I believe they used the same technique in Men in Black.

Worse, I think. This was an external fella copying his side, my side, lawyers and all sorts of other types.

@Mac, maybe it’s getting older and more mature (!) but I reckon you just swerve self important shite like that as you go along. That smacks of a place really insisting on itself. A crowd of performing seals convincing themselves they’re all essential parts of the fabric and going along with daft, demeaning crap.

A separate point but it kind of relates to the discussion about partners in firms on The Burkes of Mayo thread. My pal was telling me that a recently fully professionally qualified colleague had joined on a graduate programme 3 or 4 years back. Went through the exams successfully, very capable, works hard, takes on responsibility, basically the ideal type of up and coming sort to have working with you. So he’s reached the stage now where it’s promotion or move on and all the senior managers and directors vouched for him, but the partner on the team vetoed it because yer man wore a hoodie on a team zoom call during Covid. So the chap’s leaving in a few weeks now. :joy:


As you get older and acquire wisdom you just ignore a lot of that shit.


Agree completely. Its funny to look back at it but equally sad at the same time.

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What did they say about your massive honker

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ouch, ruined the cunts weekend
