The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

I had a kick off call with a supplier in the UK scheduled for 11 today. He sent a meeting update this morning to bump the call to 11:10.
He kicked off the call by apologising for the change but he had forgotten it was remembrance day.


Good stuff. Clearly she’s a complete chancer.

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The ruling said the law applied to “teleworking positions”, which are “computer workstations that are permanently set up by the employer in the private area of ​​the employees”


A lovely little break but back to the grind this morning. A bumper weekend in store too but a nice 3 day week to make up for it next week.

Shoutout to all us keeping the world moving.


Back at it today while dealing with the Omicron fever raging through my body. Layabouts like @iron_mike glued to the bed full of Nutella and flat stout


He’d sicken you…

I couldn’t even find my laptop this morning. It’s great to be back

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And to make matters worse, the lazy cunt is getting paid to lay in the bed

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Fuck up

Go away and light the fire and open a can…

Bit early yet. I’ve to head into town and pick up a bit of beef for new years day

Back in today even though I’m riddled with the Omni. It’s leadership like this that inspires!*

*Haven’t told work I’ve Covid.


After some initial log in difficulties I managed to log in at 10:30 this morning. I saw an unread PM sent on Christmas Eve asking was I ok to finish up early. I was trying to recall why I hadn’t answered him. Must have fallen asleep far earlier that day although in my defence I was in a heap from the booster jab. I’m not expecting a similar PM today.

Edit. I’ll reply to him shortly and pretend that I think it’s for today.


That mole is distracting.

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@TheUlteriorMotive I bet you never said that about Cindy Crawford back in the day …

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Middle management are really going to have to clamp down on Brenda and Nuala giving daily Covid updates on the Teams projec meeting about their isolation and how they are antigen testing every day and awaiting their PCR test


A grand handy number being back today, loads of people skiving off with The Covid. Tumbleweed rolling through Teams.

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