The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

omicron like that cod “long coviid” is a gift from god for wasters

There’s fellas all over the country looking glumly at negative tests only hanging for a drop of the Botswana variant.

I was in the office today. Seems everybody has taken the week off. Lads will be seething if their lie ins are disrupted by schools opening on Thursday.


I thought it was leftover daily milk from a box of heros

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Anyone get an email today about going back to the office or anticipating one this week? What approaches or policies are you preempting? Could be 2 and 3 or 3 and 2 myself. Will be weird going back. 2019 diary still lurking around my desk somewhere. The couple of Fruice Apple juice cartons in my drawer may have fermented into cider by now. Mixed feelings about it but I guess it was only a matter of when and not if.

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Tue-Thur in office. TBC this week but the good times are over. Not the worst either I suppose…

I made sure I don’t go into the office today in case it was taken as a statement of intent


I’m sure the vocal OIUTF posters must be delighted in joining those of us who returned to the workplace ages ago

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Pre omicron we were broadly retaining wfh and there was a formal announcement to the effect of individual teams working in the office once every second week! Teams would have designated days so they would be in together and so on. I did two of these team days in early-mid November and then it was put on hold when infection numbers started growing.

In theory, we should just return to that (I nearly used “revert”) but I don’t know if this OIUTF euphoria will sweep senior types along and they’ll try to take back some of these wfh concessions. Nothing explicit has been said today other than we’re continuing as we are until the relevant committees work through everything, but I’m sensing a shifting of the ground alright.


I had an exuberant meeting of the Future of Work Committee today. The bigwigs are still committed to hybrid with the ‘tramlines’ cc @Bandage delegated to team level. The Head of IT tersely noted that a lot of peripherals had been stolen from the office by staff with a keen interest in optimal ergonomics.


I sent a few emails myself today about items which may have been “borrowed”.

I’ve already told my manager that I’m only coming into the office once a month or so.

It doesn’t make sense for me to drive 120km there and 120km back unless I’ve a very good reason for it. There will be the odd time but I’ve given up my desk and will take any available seat the days I am in. I expect those days will be meeting heavy so not having a fixed desk wont be much of an inconvenience.


Or those of us that never left it


Jaysus were you doing that everyday before covid?

Jayses kid , I’d do a minimum of that every day and a hundred on top of it

It’d be like me taking a job in Waterfrod city & living away in Limerick. Madness.

Yere braver men than me, 20 mins house to desk anything else & I’d be crying.

I think I’ve around 200k on the car. It wont be four years old until.the end if this month. Consider what would be on it if I wasnt laid up for the year.

Not everyone got to stare at a laptop in their underpants for 8 hours and call it work


I don’t just stare at it. Sometimes I glare at it too.


I’m waiting on direction from above but I couldn’t give a fuck where my team work out of. Their productivity went up when WFH if anything. I’ll do Mondays and Fridays at home myself and play the ‘visibility’ game with the oldschoolers from Tue to Thurs.