The who is going in to work versus who is (Not)WFH/taking AL tomorrow thread?

Failing to lead by example. Your team will be forced to come in because of FOMO. Be the change you want to see

The hybrid model is going to be great.

I’m looking forward to it.

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We’re doing up to 25% capacity then 50% then 75% on a voluntary basis in a phased return. I’ve been going into the office 1 or 2 days a week since October and there’s never been more than 5 other people in and I’ve been the only person in the days I’ve been in since Christmas. I expect there’s going to be a big problem in a few weeks time when there’s still nobody going in.

Personally can’t wait to be back in 3 days a week full-time with others around but I am in a tiny minority. It helps my commute is a 20 minute walk whereas a lot of people have fairly horrible commutes so don’t really blame them for staying away. It will take 6 months for things to get back to anything approaching normality I’d say and a lot of people will be moving jobs in the meantime as some companies will be more flexible than others.


Lot of people are going to get a shock when coming into the office is not a choice they make


No harm.

If their contract was to work in xyz office. They don’t have a leg to stand on.

Go in and do a days work ffs.

A rude awakening for a lot of the woke gang. There was an unsufferable cunt on newstalk today giving out because his office told him he had to come in for 3 out of the 5 days.


It’s a buoyant employment market out there - companies need to be careful they don’t piss off their key employees.


Nearly half my team are mad to go back to office sure.

Yeah there’ll be a bit of a softly softly approach for a while with employers not wanting to spook people but that’ll change in coming months. Some jobs can be done 100% remotely whereas a lot of jobs, mine included, have made it work but certain aspects are much better and easier in person. I hear a lot of talk in our place of “well why should I come in shur haven’t I been working from home for 2 years” and when the response is because that’s what you’re paid to do it’s normally met with sulky silence.


That’s the thing. You have to tread carefully here or you’ll lose people.

Define piss off though. There has to be a bit of give and take from both sides.

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You do which is why employers will be careful at first but things will look a lot different in 5 or 6 months I think. Not every company is going to offer full remote working. They have been for 2 years obviously but they’ve had no choice.

No I used to live around the Curragh and it was about 65km into the office. I moved home to Kilkenny in September.

I had originally thought I’d go in 2-3 days a week after I moved. The rules are you can work up to half time from home without manager approval. Anything more than that and you need manager approval.

Also, if you’re in the office more than half the time you can keep your desk. I did one week where I went in twice and decided I’d be happy to give up my desk. My boss is several thousand miles away and couldn’t give a fuck if I work on the moon as long as the work gets done.


the active travel people like me & you have no issue with a bit of fresh air & going to the office

i prefer the separation between work & home but have to say i like the office now when its quiet

we have a load of people who relocated who must be shitting themselves but id say most want 3/2 or 2/3

ill be happy with 4/1


This is exactly it. Fresh air in the morning and evening for the commute, laptop gets shut down at the end of the day, out and about in town at lunchtime, it’s great. We’d be social creatures as well though mate not everyone could hold a room like we can or even a conversation judging by half the lunatics on this site.



Too many florence nightingales & not enough robin hoods in this godforsaken part of the web


The middle managers will need to have people around them to justify their existence


They sure will.

I do hope it’s the end of the rush into the office for 9. That never made any sense.

A couple of hours work at home in morning or gym or run and school run is far more civilised than lads dashing out with cornflakes on their shirt


They’ll have no choice but to hold on to useless cunts like myself when there’s a mass exodus of the good ones from our place.